Tuesday, July 19, 2022

No to Russia; No to China

"First, last and always government - it is national defense. No more Mr. Nice Guy with these two bad apples. It is time for us to be the US of A once again."

I have had it with both the Bear and the Dragon. They are both bad actors. And for reasons which are beyond me, we are complacent with some of what they are doing. We should dig our heals in firmly, and say not only NO to each of them, but also HELL NO! We need a total divorce, especially from China. Why in the world we are letting them buy our land, our businesses, our technology is beyond me. They are thieves. Always have been. Not to be trusted. And Russia is corrupt. More corrupt than Hunter Biden.

Could someone please explain to me why it is alright for China be allowed to buy land right outside of one of our very important Air Force Bases in North Dakota? Like, 30 miles away? Most normal people, when they heard of this, could not believe it. WHAT IS WRONG WITH US? And to allow them to buy one of our largest packing companies? Why would we let China gain control of our food processors? Why would let China manufacture most of our meds? Again, what is wrong with us?

As for Russia, they really need a national reclama. Putin needs to go (and NOW), and Russia needs to retreat from Ukraine. Once that happens, Russia needs to pay war reparations to Ukraine. Until that happens, Russia will be a rogue nation. A rogue nation who only can sell dirty oil to the world, and threaten other nations with nukes. 

This is the worst time in recent history not to have a strong President. But we don't. We have a weak President who is part of a corrupt family. How will this end? Unknown, but I am very worried. I think both Putin and Xi play Biden like a fiddle. Plus - Biden is so tone deaf, he has crippled our economy (to be green), while China has gone to town making stuff and buying stuff. Plus, China is on a path to have a Navy which will match ours.

And because Biden quit being in the oil business, the remaining oil producers (like Russia) are making a King's ransom selling their product. Where is all that money going? To Putin, the Oligarchs, and Russia's war machine.

America needs to wake up, and wake up soon. We are in a whole world of hurt right now, and still we are focused on the wrong things. Forget the abortion ruling, forget Jan 6th, forget the "greenies", and think only national defense. First, last and always government - it is national defense. No more Mr. Nice Guy with these two bad apples. It is time for us to be the US of A once again. MAGA!    

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