Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Who owns what anymore?

"If we ever decide that nobody should own anything anymore, we will have arrived at socialist nirvana. We will be a communist society. History has shown that communist societies do not end up well. In fact, very poorly. People end up with no money, no guns, no rights, no freedom, no liberty." 

I overpaid on my taxes. Many of us did. How do I know? The size of the surplus. It is huge. That is our money. How do I know? Depends on who you ask. If you ask the statists who are left leaning socialist faction of the Democrat Party, the money belongs to them. To do with as they wish. However, if you ask the citizens who own the money in the surplus - it is theirs.

Here is a perfect example of how this works. A liberal friend of mine had a typical response to the taxing of seniors on social security. He is against it. Why? In his opinion, many retirees don't need the money. That is a canned response from those on the left. They love to tell the rest of us, how much is enough. Whereas, many citizens could use the boost by not having social security immorally taxed by the state, those on the left love to dictate that we don't need that boost.

Wait - what? How about this for a solution. If those on the left think that seniors should not have social security taxed, they have the option to turn down the benefit. In fact, they can opt never to collect social security. Let someone else have it. And if they get it, pay 100% tax on it. That is their right. My right however, is to NOT have social security taxed by the state. Period.

This is how blue states end up losing people and revenue. That's right. That's fact. Over taxing. Telling the owners of money, they no longer own it. And as we know, that is, those who have studied American history, private ownership is very important to us. We don't want someone else's money, we want to earn our own. Why? Taking someone else's money is immoral. It is theft. Remember the Boston Tea Party? That was also about theft - taxation without representation.

If we ever decide that nobody should own anything anymore, we will have arrived at socialist nirvana. We will be a communist society. History has shown that communist societies do not end up well. In fact, very poorly. People end up with no money, no guns, no rights, no freedom, no liberty. 

I would tell my kids when they were growing up, "All men (women), are born free. Someone only needs to take that freedom away from them." In this country, freedom is everything. We protect freedom. We serve in the military to protect other's freedom. Some have given their lives to protect freedoms. 

Who owns what anymore? We should own property which we have bought or inherited. We should own money which we have earned. Case closed. Point made.  

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