Friday, July 29, 2022

Gaslighting recessions and 3,000 cars

"In any event, today will be another Orwellian day, where our government practices groupthink. Up is down, black is white, you decide which is right. Recession, or car thefts - just part of the landscape now. Might as well sit back and enjoy them, as that is what we are being told to do." 

What kind of a title is that for a post, Bird? Are they related? Not a bit. However, I did want to address both of these timely issues. Rather than take care of them in two separate blog posts, I decided to do it all at once. So here it goes.

Yesterday, we found out that we were in a recession. Well, duh! Most of us have known that for quite a while. But hold on here. Seems that Slo Joe does not want to admit this almost stagflation of an economy, is in recession. But wait - we have had two consecutive quarters of negative GDP growth. Yea - so what? We have a new sheriff in town now, with new parameters. Recession? Not so fast, cowboy.

Joe is quick to point out that we have had a ton of jobs "created". Not really. We have had a bunch of the jobs which disappeared during the pandemic, and are now starting to come back. Never mind the fact we still have millions of jobs which are unfilled. And because of the labor shortage, the most basic of all jobs are paying $15/hour. That is why just going out for a simple breakfast these days cost $40 for two people. Outrageous. 

If you think we are in a recession (so sayeth the wizards of smart in this administration), don't believe your lying eyes. I know, I know. If we had a Republican President right now, we would not only be in a recession, but maybe a full out depression. But with Joe Biden, it is all cool, man. Don't sweat it. Things are really okay - they just seem real bad.

Car. 3,000 cars. That is how many have been stolen in Minneapolis so far this year. What? Wait - how can that be? Even though we are in a recession, the crime industry is doing just fine, thank you. If not stealing catalytic converters off of cars, it is stealing the entire car instead. But can't the cops stop all of this? Cops? What cops? Remember, the City Council did not want any cops. Only influencers, decomplicators, and violence defusors. 

Some of the more enlightened and seasoned commentators are now fully speaking their minds. "In all my years, I have never seen anything like this." Like what? Like Biden's America. If we could go back in time even ten years, and tell the story of Biden's America, few would believe us - even those on our side of the fence.

In any event, today will be another Orwellian day, where our government practices groupthink. Up is down, black is white, you decide which is right. Recession, or car thefts - just part of the landscape now. Might as well sit back and enjoy them, as that is what we are being told to do. 


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