Friday, July 8, 2022

Who owns the Moon?

"I can just see it right now. The feckless and worthless UN, will have to draw up a new charter which will have some teeth in it. Specially define that the Moon (and anything else up there), is not for sale. It can not be captured or conquered."

Bill Nelson, the current head of NASA, has some heads turning right now. Especially in China. In fact, China is out and out pissed at NASA. Why? NASA is making innuendos that once China gets some of their own on the Moon, China might claim ownership. But..but..they can't do that! What about the Outer Space treaty of 1967? Good question.

The Outer Space Treaty of 1967 specifically states that no nation shall claim ownership of the Moon, other planets, or their Moons. Okay - what about mining rights? What about sharing the same location on the Moon? Who mediates? How is it mediated? And what if China and or its partner Russia, does claim ownership of all, or part of the Moon? That trespassers will be blown out of the sky. Would that result in our first "star wars"?

One of the biggest dreams of many Star Trek fans, was that mankind would "grow up" and start acting like a species, instead of a group of tribal factions. Like, can't we all just get along? I can think of nothing worse, than to have every journey into space, be accompanied by armed members of our new Space Force. I mean, we have already had a preview of how crappy things can get, when the Russians threatened to "abandon" one of our astronauts on the ISS. Even though that might have been a bit of Russian humor, nobody down here was laughing.

I can just see it right now. The feckless and worthless UN, will have to draw up a new charter which will have some teeth in it. Specially define that the Moon (and anything else up there), is not for sale. It can not be captured or conquered. Everything up there belongs 100% to everyone on Earth. Will that do any good? About as much good as our current UN charter. How is that working out in Ukraine?

Just something else to ponder right now. What we thought would be easy, might not be so much right now. I guess mankind is not ready to make the giant leap forward into collegial relationships in outer space. Maybe we need to start here first. Hear that Mr. Putin? We need to stop acting like Klingons, and more like Earthlings are supposed to act.  


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