Friday, July 22, 2022

Cancer, Covid and Cognition

"Personally, I want Biden in office at least through November. I want to see the look on his face, and the word salad coming out of his mouth, when the sky falls in on the Democrat Party." 

How is our 79 year old President doing as of late? Not well. Seems he has the three "C"s - cancer, covid and cognition. Well - sort of. The cancer thing was a head scratcher. At some event, Smokin' Joe decided to disclose to the world that his growing up in Delaware was not all wine and roses. In fact, he caught cancer from all the oil which came raining down from the sky. A lot of people in Delaware "caught it". The only problem is this - Joe's doctor disputes that fact. He has had some pre-cancerous legions burned off from time to time, but who hasn't at that age. The White House had to do another "clean up on aisle Joe"...

Well, the cancer thing might have been just another Biden canard. But the covid thing? That was for real. However, Dr. Segal from Fox News was interviewed last night. Like - how common is this covid thing these days? According to the good doc, getting this new variant is very common. And most of the time, it is very treatable. But, but Biden was vaxxed - twice! And then had two boosters! Seems this variant does not care about that. Even though Dr. Seagal said we as a nation have developed some herd immunity towards covid, we can still get it. But it is becoming more like getting the common flu than the black death it started out to be.

Now for the most important one of Biden's maladies. Dr. Ronny Jackson, who served under G.W. Bush and Obama as the White House physician, has an interesting take on Smoking Joe's marbles. He was interviewed on the news, and was asked point blank if he thought Biden had some cognitive issues. Jackson was a good one to ask, as he knew Biden when Joe was Veep. Jackson then laid the bombshell. He said not only is Biden unfit to serve currently, he was unfit when he was a candidate. Ronny Jackson has the street cred to tell the "emperor he was not wearing any clothes". Bottom line? Joe Biden has lost a mile or so of track upstairs since he was Veep. That is coming from one of his former doctors.

I know, I know. Many are wondering since Biden is this far gone, why in the world don't we just "Amendment 25" him? Many, including myself, know the real answer. Like, who is in the on-deck circle behind Biden. That is enough to scare the pants off of anybody. Now that Biden has made Jimmy Carter look good, all we need now is for a President Kamala to make Biden look good. It would be the end of everything as we know it.

Personally, I want Biden in office at least through November. I want to see the look on his face, and the word salad coming out of his mouth, when the sky falls in on the Democrat Party. The best thing Biden could say once the dust settles and he sees his beloved party in ruin, is simply this - I DID THAT!




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