Monday, June 3, 2024

"A bad deal is worse than no deal"

"Bibi said not to worry - Israel can handle this. The fact Biden has stabbed him in the back more than once, was the real story. Israel cannot trust America as an ally until we get a normal president once again. In these most dangerous times, having a flip-flopper in charge of our country is a non-starter. I am sorry Bibi - November cannot come soon enough for us either."     

Back in the day, when I was on different negotiation teams, my first boss always had a rock-solid expression. "Remember - a bad deal is worse than no deal at all". Why bring this up when I have been retired for so long? I thought about this "Biden deal", which Biden and Blinken are trying to shove down the Israeli's throats. Just from what I have heard of this deal, it must have been put together by the "pie in the sky" committee. What a joke. No wonder Bibi thought it was a no go.

Ever since the American Muslims (and their progressive sympathizers) have figured out a way to live in Biden's head rent free, "flip-flop" Biden has now become very anti-Israel. It seems this 81-year-old brain has forgotten the horrors of October 7th. But many of the rest of us have not. And Bibi's first inclination of destroying Hamas, still seems to be the right course.

By the way - not to get petty, but has anyone else noticed that "proof of life" seems to be missing from the hostage's release? The only thing we ever hear about the hostage situation is when another three or so are found dead. Based on the treatment that the Israeli citizens received from Hamas on October 7th, I would no doubt there are none left surviving. Plus - if I were negotiating the deal, NOTHING else would happen until ALL hostages were accounted for - dead or alive.

Another thing - the fact that Hamas got so giddy about this Biden proposal should tell us something. Like, it was a very good deal for them, and a rotten deal for Israel. Also, going into a six week "cease fire" is almost laughable. Why? Israel and Hamas were in a cease fire when the October 7th attack happened. Fool me once...

War is ugly. War has collateral damage, even though the IDF has been as careful as they can be and still accomplish their mission. Biden is punching under his weight on this one, and is in way, way over his head. Blinken has been of zero help. None. 

Bibi said not to worry - Israel can handle this. The fact Biden has stabbed him in the back more than once, was the real story. Israel cannot trust America as an ally until we get a normal president once again. In these most dangerous times, having a flip-flopper in charge of our country is a non-starter. I am sorry Bibi - November cannot come soon enough for us either.     

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