Saturday, June 29, 2024

Brandon Judd's wake up call

"Just remember this going forward. Cops love Trump. ICE loves Trump. The Border Patrol loves Trump. Trump will clean up the cities from out-of-control crime. He will secure our borders once again. Old Yeller Biden will do nothing except more lies and yelling." 

Imagine for a minute, you are Brandon Judd. You are sitting back, relaxing trying to digest what "Old Yeller" was talking about during the debate. The out of the clear blue sky, when immigration was being discussed, "Old Yeller" said the Border Patrol Union endorsed Joe Biden for re-election. I will bet Brandon Judd just about fell off his sofa when he heard that one! Especially from the liar-in-chief who said after the debate, "I know how to tell the truth".

Not just Brandon Judd, President of the National Border Patrol Council, but also Art Del Ceuto, who is Vice President of the National Border Patrol Council, had quite the wake-up call. The man they despise the most for what he has done to our southern border, and how he has stripped the normal job description away from the Border Patrol - lied through his teeth. So much so, and so heinous of a lie, the Border Patrol went on "X" (Twitter) and fixed that fib. "We have never endorsed Joe Biden, nor will we ever." 

I was going to say, the Border Patrol would not even endorse Biden for dog catcher, but the Border Patrol has too much respect for dogs. So, they would endorse Biden for NOTHING. Donald Trump on the other hand - they love this former president. He knew how to work with the Border Patrol to keep us safe. 

Just remember this going forward. Cops love Trump. ICE loves Trump. The Border Patrol loves Trump. Trump will clean up the cities from out-of-control crime. He will secure our borders once again. Old Yeller Biden will do nothing except more lies and yelling. 

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