Thursday, June 6, 2024

As Joe speaks, the nation shutters...

"The only thing which is amazing, is Biden is still as close to Trump in the polls as he is. Trump should be smoking Biden by 30 points. Why? The thought of having four more years of Biden, sinking deeper and deeper into dementia, is a something which should keep all of us up at night."

Right now, we are in the most dangerous period of the Biden presidency. How so? When he is overseas and becomes untethered from many of his handlers. That is when Joe's gaffe machine goes into overdrive. For a solemn event like the 80th anniversary of D-Day, I too, shudder to think what Joe could come up with. He would lean into a hot mic, teleprompter turning, and then launch into a cacophony of muttering and yelling. 

Then all of a sudden, teleprompter be damned as Joe goes off-script - "It is here, on the south of Spain, that the United States working with the Germans, managed to defeat France and get a toehold into Europe. If not for the gallant fighting of some of our finest, the allies, working with the Axis Powers, might have lost World War I." Too much? Too absurd? Have you heard Joe as of late? His mumbling is getting worse, and his "GET OFF MY LAWN" yelling is way out of control. And he drifts - badly. In the giddy and twisting mind of Joe Biden, most anything can come out of his mouth these days.

Plus, one of the things Joe's parents should have taught him when he was a youth, is once you say something stupid or cruel, that bell cannot be un-rung. For example, when Joe referred to the Prince of Saudi Arabia as a "pariah", do you think the Saudis ever forgot that slap in the face? Of course not. That is why the Saudis want to increase the cost of gasoline before the election. They want Biden GONE. 

And then just recently, when Biden accused Bibi of making the Gaza War last longer for political gain, was a jaw dropper and a head shaker at the same time. First off, you don't stab your best friend in the Middle East in the back - even if it were true. BUT IT IS NOT TRUE! For Biden however, who cares? Just fire for effect. Again, that bell cannot be un-rung. 

But how is Biden's relationship with Putin? Now that Biden has called Putin a thug and a killer. Even with all of that, Putin would LOVE to see Biden get re-elected. Why? An empty suit is easy for him to deal with. Trump on the other hand, is a wild card for Putin. And just to show Biden how much Putin loves and respects Biden, Putin is conducting military exercises in the Caribbean. Gosh, we have not seen that since - the Cuban Missile Crisis. World War III has never looked closer.

Joe "the gaffe machine" Biden. You just can't make this stuff up. The only thing which is amazing, is Biden is still as close to Trump in the polls as he is. Trump should be smoking Biden by 30 points. Why? The thought of having four more years of Biden, sinking deeper and deeper into dementia, is a something which should keep all of us up at night. 

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