Saturday, June 15, 2024

The happy (or hapless) wanderer

"The question many are asking right now, is can Joe make it to the first debate in two weeks. That is a good question. Will he wander off? Will he talk to dead people? Will he shake hands with imaginary friends? Will he drool? This could be a defining moment in Biden/Harris 2024. Or the last moment."

Well, it is finally over. Grandpa is home after a "memorable" time in Italy with the G7 meeting. I would have loved to have someone in the Italian press ask the Prime Minister of Italy, Giorgia Meloni, how the meeting went. And it would have been great if she had told the unvarnished truth. Her response would have been something like, "I did not know that being an adult daycare provider was part of my job description." Was it really that bad taking care of old Joe? Yes. And that was before Joe "head butted" the Pope.

Was I embarrassed to see our president on the world stage, acting like he was on a day trip from Happy Acres Care Center? No - I am way beyond embarrassment. I have disowned him. Truthfully, I have disowned his wife more so than Joe. Why? She knows that Joe has lost it. What little he had when he was sworn in, is now gone. Our enemies look at him and laugh. Our NATO allies look at him with great trepidation. Joe Biden is technically the leader of the free world. Let that sink in and marinate for a while. As Donald Trump recently said, "Joe Biden is dragging us into World War III."

Then we have Joe, the fallen Catholic, meeting the Pope. This was after Joe had wandered off during an air show event. To show the Pope the proper respect, Joe decided to "head butt" the Holy Father. The look on the Pope's face was really a "Kodak moment". It was like the Pope was thinking simply this - in all his years of being alive, nobody has ever "head butted" him before. And why did Joe do it? Because Joe did not like the Catholic church's position on abortion? Or was it that it seemed to be the right thing to do at the moment. Strange things happen when you lose your "filter".

The question many are asking right now, is can Joe make it to the first debate in two weeks. That is a good question. Will he wander off? Will he talk to dead people? Will he shake hands with imaginary friends? Will he drool? This could be a defining moment in Biden/Harris 2024. Or the last moment.

One more thing that Biden did to Prime Minister Meloni. When greeting her, Biden gave one of his faux salutes. She looked at him like, "what was that?" No - she did not salute back She knew better.

In any event, Joe needed to skip the last event on the schedule and fly back home. Why? A fundraiser with his papier mâché fan base known as the Hollywood elite. Why? Joe was just showing his priorities. 

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