Thursday, June 27, 2024

Tonight, tonight...

"What is going to happen tonight? Will it be for all the marbles? Truthfully, I am amazed that the race is this close. Seriously. Living in Biden's America right now, one would think that most everyone would feel the same pain."

Well folks - here it is. The tell-tale, tell-all debate between two men who are older than I am. And I am not that young anymore. Am I going to watch it? Not live. We have my wife's brother over, and we are not equally yoked on politics. Not even close. So, I will watch the replays later this night on Fox News. But what about tonight? Is it important? Will it change the outcome? 

I have said this before. Instead of having two men who have never served before, we have two men who HAVE served for the seat they are running for. And instead of just ideas or promises, they have records. Not subjective - empirical data. If the debate hinges on that alone, the outcome will be certain. That is - unless CNN buys into the lies and sophism that the DNC is spreading around.

My advice to Donald Trump is the following - don't take the bait. Don't fight with the CNN tools. Just keep talking about what you did during your four years as POTUS. Their game plan, as admitted to by the DNC, is to "show you as un-hinged". And that is it. Besides all the lies about how you did not create enough jobs (of course, they ignore COVID), and how many of the pandemic jobs that Biden is counting in his "job creation".

I hope you talk about the border tonight, President Trump. And talk about it almost non-stop. Biden is as weak as a kitten on this issue. He should have no truthful response. Sure, the economy is also a winner for you to talk about. But the border, the lack of security from baddies all over the world - that is important to most. Crime also, is good to discuss. Why? Stats. The cities are a sewer right now. Donald Trump can fix them the right way.

One more issue which in my opinion is HUGE! The world is on fire right now, and inches away from someone, someplace, making the mistake of launching a nuke. It was not this way before Biden took office. Donald Trump could make clear some facts of life about how close we are to WW III which would wake the dead. No matter now liberal someone is, nobody wants to get nuked. And right now, we are close.

What is going to happen tonight? Will it be for all the marbles? Truthfully, I am amazed that the race is this close. Seriously. Living in Biden's America right now, one would think that most everyone would feel the same pain. And would want that pain to change. To mollify. If people were clear thinking instead of mind numbed robots right now, Trump would win by 30 points. It would be a bigger landslide that the 1984 Reagan win.

But remember what Ron Whites favorite saying was - "You can't cure stupid". And in 2020, we had the opportunity to show the world how stupid we are. Please don't do it again.       

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