Sunday, June 16, 2024

We the people, have had it!

"Congratulations Europe. You have taken the first step in getting your freedom back. We are right behind you."

Did you hear about the tidal change in Europe? Seems the left has over played their hands in the Euro Zone. Kind of like the left has been doing in this country. And what have we learned about the recent Euro elections? Be it here or across the Atlantic, freedom loving people are rejecting tyranny. With a singular voice, the call for freedom is going up. It is so loud; we can hear it over here. 

Hats off to the farmers in Europe, as they were the ones whose protests were the most vociferous. There is something about the visuals as well as the rich aroma of a manure spreader spraying effluent all over the government buildings in town. What is that saying? WE THE PEOPLE, HAVE HAD IT! In other words, the people, the citizens of many different countries, are not children. They know how to live. They know what is best for them and their families. And farmers? They know how to grow their own crops, thank you. They don't need the bootheel of government (who know nothing of farming) on their necks.

To our brothers and sisters in Europe, we can only say thank you! You are setting the tone. You may be a bit ahead of us, but we are firmly behind you. We are about to oust the mother of all tyrants (Joe Biden) and replace him with the father of MAGA (Donald J. Trump). We are going to turn the clocks back four years, and once again live in the land of prosperity and opportunity. Gone will be the days of green bs, DEI, equity, lawfare, lawless crime in the cities, open borders, energy confusion, mandated appliances and car choices and so forth. You see, Americans, just like the Europeans, don't like being treated like children. We like being treated like citizens. 

When freedom is in the air, it is tantalizing. It is invigorating. It is motivating. The skies are blue, and the birds are singing. On the other hand, when tyranny rules the land, all landscapes become gray-scapes. Hope is replaced by hopelessness. Joy is replaced by despair. What do most people realize when living outside of freedom? This is not how life is meant to be lived. 

How valuable is freedom for the people in this country over the years? We have sent money as well as our national treasure of young people, to fight for freedom in other lands. Some were wounded, some never came home - just so others could have the freedoms we have. Yes, freedom is that important to us.

Congratulations Europe. You have taken the first step in getting your freedom back. We are right behind you. What happens when thugs use extreme force to rob you of your freedoms? Just look at Ukraine. We should never let something like this happen again. Ever. It all starts and ends with that simple phrase - We the people.

Since it is Sunday, can I get an AMEN on that?


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