Saturday, June 8, 2024

The Bernstein (who) BEARLY (ever tells the truth)

"Liars, liars, pants on fires. Look into the camera with a straight face and lie like a rug. What I wonder every time I hear this guy interviewed, is who really believes him? Is there such a person in this country who is that gullible? If so, I would like to meet that person (or persons). I have some bridges to sell which are located in the desert."  

I am going to confess something this early Saturday morning. There is one person more than any other who resides in Biden's inner circle whom I cannot tolerate listening too. Why? Gaslighting and lying, just about 100% of the time. Even when confronted with immutable facts, this person will dispute them. Tell you the facts are wrong. And who is this circus clown who has been given so much power within our government? Jared Bernstein. Chair of Biden's Economic Advisors. 

This guy is a piece of work. He has been asked many times by many different pundits WHY Biden constantly torts the truth by saying the inflation rate was over 9% when he took office, and Biden and company have whittled it down to just over 3%. But when Bernstein is confronted with factual history, that the inflation rate was just under 2% when Biden took office, here is the Bernstein Bear retort - "What the President meant to say, was all the metrics were there for inflation to immediately go to 9%". Wait - what? Huh? 

And then Bernstein will argue the point until the cows come home. And when he grows tired of that sophism, he will change the subject - "Well, if you look at the other G7 countries, our inflation is in line with what theirs is and was". My response? Who gives a rip? We are talking about the gold standard country - ours. The fact that Biden juiced up the inflation rate by spending scads of money we don't have, is the reason inflation went from just under 2% to just over 9%, at its worse.

Then came the real whopper. When Bernstein was asked about sunsetting the Trump tax cuts, the lies came in waves. "Mr. Bernstein - President Biden said he would not raise the taxes on anyone making under $400,000 a year. Yet when Trumps's tax cut sunset at the end of next year (and if Biden is still president), families making under $400,000 will pay $1,500 more in taxes." With that, Bernstein chuckled and said, "Let me explain this to you." I could not wait to hear this one.

"Of course, the president is going to be true to his word. The Trump tax cuts will expire, and those making over $400,000 will help the nation's growing debt problem. Those making under $400,000 will be exempt from paying a nickel more in taxes." HUH? Explain please. "President Biden will work with Congress to ensure proper legislation is passed to exempt those making under $400,000 from maying additional taxes." My response - what color is the sky in the world you are living in Mr. Bernstein. That will NEVER happen, and EVERYONE is going to get soaked paying more taxes. This is voodoo economics at its worst. 

Liars, liars, pants on fires. Look into the camera with a straight face and lie like a rug. What I wonder every time I hear this guy interviewed, is who really believes him? Is there such a person in this country who is that gullible? If so, I would like to meet that person (or persons). I have some bridges to sell which are located in the desert.  


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