Friday, June 21, 2024

The mystery and majesty of Minnesota's Duluth Complex


"The Duluth Complex is one of the largest minerals finds on Planet Earth. It is worth billions - maybe more. But - not much has been done, as digging in much of the Complex has been tied up in the court system." 

On our latest trip through the hinterland of Minnesota, we had the opportunity to travel into Range Country. That be the Iron Range. Specifically, the Mesabi Range. When I was young, my dad would always drag the family up to "Da Range". Why? My dad worked for a rock crushing company in St. Paul and had connections with the some of the companies who bought these rock crushers. Some of them ended up on Minnesota's Iron Range.

Seeing some of these open pit taconite digs is way beyond impressive. In the middle of Minnesota's northern woods, all of a sudden you have rocky and reddish-brown soil replacing the trees. Vast and deep digs are still going on, as there is still ore to mine. And here is the best part - the Mesabi Range is only part of this gargantuan geographic area called the Duluth Complex. 

The Duluth Complex is one of the largest minerals finds on Planet Earth. It is worth billions - maybe more. But - not much has been done, as digging in much of the Complex has been tied up in the court system. And here is the irony - our current government wants us to become the leader in EVs. (Remember? The cars that nobody want?). Many of the minerals which go into the manufacturing of the EV batteries are located deep underground in the Duluth Complex. So, we are buying those minerals from countries like China.

Minnesota is a leader in turkey production, hog production, corn production, and so forth. We live in a land which has an embarrassment of riches. But one of the biggest riches of all, is the one we are barely allowed to touch - the Duluth Complex. Hundreds of good paying and (ready for this Joe?) union jobs could be created. The "greenies" are saying the drilling companies could ruin this pristine area forever. The drilling companies responded by saying maybe that was true 100 years ago, but today, the drilling methods have changed to embrace protection of the environment first. Many safeguards are in place to protect the people and the environment.

Will the good people in Minnesota ever be allowed to take advantage of the treasures contained in the Duluth Complex? I hope so. Mostly for the sake of our kids and grandkids. Until then, enjoy the Mesabi Range. Much of Minnesota's history resides there.      

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