Saturday, June 29, 2024

The war drums of the Governors

"Some say our country is hardly recognizable from what it once was. If Biden is given another term, what little is left of the fabric of our republic will be gone. Replaced by a government our forefathers warned us about."

Before I get started, can I do a brief shout out to the Supreme Court? The Chevron Case, which was decided on Friday, is HUGE! What is a good analogy? It was like sunlight hitting BIG GOVERNMENT, when big government acts like a vampire. Putting it simply, we can now tell BIG GOVERNMENT to take many of their useless regulations and rules and put them where the sun does not shine. It was a HUGE victory for the citizens, and a big defeat for the tyrants.

After the debate the other night, the scenario I am going to draw will look implausible to many, but it does lie in the realm of possibilities - especially with the way our current voting system works. Biden wins re-election. The man who can hardly put a sentence together, is going to be our president until he is almost 90. His mandates on the southern border remain intact. Trump's tax cuts sunset, and everyone's taxes skyrocket. Biden's green energy mandates go into full gear, and a gallon of gasoline costs a mint. 

My vision of this dystopian future does contain a ray of hope. The governors of many red states cry out in a loud voice - ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! We will not comply! We can see it already in how some governors have sent National Guard and law enforcement down to the southern border to help out other red governors. Screw the feds! We are governors! My feeling is that was only the start. If Biden is re-elected, he will be treated as if he is King George, and the governors of red states will be like the Minutemen. 

What am I saying? The stakes will be too high to revert back to being subjects and serfs once again. We are citizens. We will be governed by our states, and not an out-of-control federal government.

American citizens are a funny lot - they really take this freedom thing seriously. The thought of going back to tyranny is just not in the cards. And their governors know it. Our borders WILL become secure again, one way or another. If the feds can't or won't do it - the states will! A nation without borders is not a nation at all.

These are the times which try men's souls. True words spoken today. Some say our country is hardly recognizable from what it once was. If Biden is given another term, what little is left of the fabric of our republic will be gone. Replaced by a government our forefathers warned us about. And that is why the words, "Shall not be infringed" are so critically important. Yesterday, today and tomorrow, those words are critically important. 


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