Friday, August 21, 2015


"He is not a violent man. He wants us all to come together. That is together the way our Founders wanted us to..."

I have mentioned in the past. I listen to Glenn Beck. His show is uniquely different from other talk shows I listen to. Even Rush (who I really enjoy). Some people think Glenn is just a rodeo clown. Some people think he is a charlatan. Some just a fake. Some just a Mormon. 

I think none of these. I think Glenn is a man of God. A man with very keen instincts and intuitions. He is usually right. Right way, way more than he is wrong. And one more thing - he has a deep and undivided love for this country. He is (in my opinion), a true patriot.

Today on his radio show, Glenn was so mad he was spitting tacks. He was talking about ISIL (ISIS or whatever). He was talking about the young lady in her twenties who went overseas to do mission work. He name was Kayla Mueller. This  26 year old American (let me say that again all in caps - AMERICAN) woman went over to a poor land, locked in a brutal genocidal war, to help the most needy. To help the hungry, the homeless and the hurting. Yes, it was dangerous. And yes, she did get captured. And yes, she did die.

But how she died is what really set Glenn off today. It also set me off (just ask my wife, she was stuck with me in the car). One of the leaders of ISIL decided to have his way with her. Since she was not of the faith (by their holy book), it was okay to rape her. And rape her he did. Over and over and over again. But who cares? She was just an infidel. Trash. And then they killed her. And blamed it on Moroccan jets bombing their compound. Bombing in retaliation for the Moroccan pilot ISIL burned alive in a cage. 

Well here it is folks, and it ain't pretty. We have had people killed all over the world by Islamist fanatics. We have had innocent reporters captured, put in orange jumpsuits, and then beheaded on camera. Recently, we had a young girl, less than 10 years out of high school, with mercy in her heart, treated by Islamic Terrorists worse than we treat our animals. And (this is a big and), our State Department knew about it. And yet they did nothing.

Someone sent me a note over the internet asking me which sickened me more - the butchery at Planned Parenthood or the butchery committed by ISIL. I couldn't answer. It was like a tie for the bottom. Glenn Beck has said many times - we will NOT be held innocent for doing nothing. We may not be involved in the commission of heinous acts, but we will in the omission of doing SOMETHING to stop them.

And that is one of the reasons Glenn Beck has changed his opening song. It is now the Mathew West song, Do something. If you have not heard this song, I encourage you to go on YouTube and take a listen. If we are people of faith, if we are people living our way of life, if we are people who love liberty, people who love freedom and justice, we need to do SOMETHING. 

Yes Glenn. You are correct. You were right to be very, very angry. I am angry. Many of my friends are angry. Enough is enough. It is time to do SOMETHING.

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