Sunday, August 9, 2015

One year later...

"This unfortunate event led to an urban legend which is as strong today as it was a year ago.."

It is hard to believe it has been a year already. The death of Michael Brown was one more fissure in our already racially fractured society. And because there were no body cameras in use by the Ferguson police force, truth has morphed into urban legend.

This was an incident which did not have to happen. Nobody needed to die on that hot day in Missouri. Nobody needed to lose their job over it. And no riots or social unrest needed to happen. When I was younger, my Father would often tell me (like many Fathers do), "If you go looking for trouble, you will find it". When Michael Brown went into that store and (using his size) committed a "strong arm" robbery, it set in motion a series of events which had devastating consequences. 

Truthfully, nobody to this day knows (down to the last detail) what happened between Michael Brown and Officer Darren Wilson. That is, except for Officer Darren Wilson. Other than his testimony, there was just some eyewitness accounts. And based on those eyewitness accounts, there was no "hands up, don't shoot". And based on eyewitness accounts, there was a struggle between Brown and Wilson which was so severe, Wilson feared for his life. And that is when everything in Ferguson got turned upside down.

Today is the one year anniversary of that event. I continue to be saddened that a young man lost his life. Just like John Donne, every person's death saddens me. What does bother me is on this one year anniversary, many still worship at the shrine of Micheal Brown. And for the wrong reasons. Like he was a martyr. And Officer Wilson (who lost his job and reputation because of this event) continues to be hated and looked upon as a pariah.

To this day, many still believe Michael Brown was executed in cold blood by a renegade cop. How Michael Brown had his hands, up begging and pleading for his life. Begging the cop with a gun not to shoot. Some even believe Michael Brown was shot in the back (since proven forensically not to be true). So today we will have marches, speeches, Al Sharpton, Barack Obama, and who knows what or who else, sticking their spoons in the pot of discontent to stir once again.

Who were the winners and who were the losers from the death of Michael Brown? First the losers. Michael Brown lost his life. Lost the opportunity to grow up into manhood and maybe make a difference. His parents, his family, his friends, lost the opportunity to see that happen. Officer Darren Wilson lost his job and must live with the fact he took a life. The City of Ferguson lost some of its peace and innocence - and gained a growing distrust for law enforcement.

And who were the winners? The race hustlers. The race baiters. The racial arsonists. We all know who they are, so there is no need to name names (again). This is an anniversary most don't want to celebrate - only endure. Can we learn from this opportunity? Sadly, probably not.    

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