Saturday, August 29, 2015

Our cartoon socialist

"Question: Why is the readership of so many papers going down? Answer: Just look at their editorial boards..."

Yes, I am sure many newspapers have one. We have a hometown newspaper (which will go nameless - like Lord Voldemort) which employs a "throwback to the 60's" type of editorial cartoonist. And he is a piece of work. TOTALLY biased (surprise) towards anything left and goofy.

This guy, this throwback to Woodstock, really has a very odd world view. Plus he is not the sharpest blade in the drawer. This past week, he has been on a viscous rant. Against Donald Trump and our Second Amendment. And he understands neither. The target which should be exploited by his sardonic humor is the "Royal" Hillary. One would think for an editorial cartoonist, this woman would yield a treasure trove of good material. Nope. She is off limits. Why? She is the queen of the Loony Left, silly!

His rant against guns I find particularly interesting. In his world, there should be no more guns. Period. They are evil. Of course, he does not understand our history. Why the Second Amendment became part of our Bill of Rights. Why it remains so important today. But to be fair, it is not just goofy editorial cartoonists - it is many on the Loony Left who don't understand our Second Amendment. 

So to help out our poor misguided cartoonist (and any others who might need some help), here is an abridged explanation on we have the Second Amendment (and it shall not be infringed).

Our founders were very concerned about this new government they were forming. As good as it was (and it was exceptional), they were worried over time the government could grow into something it was not intended to. The people were the ones who owned the government, not visa versa. The Second Amendment was then created. To be clear, the Second Amendment was NEVER about the right to hunt, the right to shoot targets, or the right to go to gun shows. The Second Amendment was created and remains today for one important reason. TO PROTECT THE CITIZENRY FROM AN OVER REACHING GOVERNMENT. Our founders understood one thing very clearly - Once a society disarms, they become easy targets for a government turning tyrannical. The Second Amendment remains today as our best "check and balance" to ensure this does not happen.

So go ahead Mr. Goofy Cartoonist. Make fun of our Constitution and every Republican running for office. Your cartoons suck and only the low information crowd find them worthy. As for me, I also find them worthy - worthy of fish wrap or bird cage liner. 

Oh, one final thing to remember about the protections afforded us in our Constitution. If we remove or alter them, an old adage most likely come true - For those who do not learn from history, are doomed to repeat it.

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