Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Now it is religion over country....

"On this day, we will all remember that awful day. Where we were, what we were doing. The patriots, bikers, firefighters and cops will be on the overpass in Coon Rapids again, flying a huge flag from the fire trucks. We will pause and think about the thousands of innocents who died 17 years ago, just for the crime of going to work." 

Does the pain still sear? It sure does with me. When I said I will never forget, I WILL NEVER FORGET! And if you are mired in the pool of PC madness, this might not be the article for you to read. I am one of those guys who rejected Obama renaming this day, "a day of service". Like go cut your neighbor's grass or something. No, this is our first Patriot's Day. A day to remember. A day we will never forget.

This one is going to be raw. Many times when writing, I have had to pull my talons in. Be polite. Not today. Not on this anniversary. Today, I am calling people out. Why? What happened 17 years ago was the most egregious thing that could have happened to us. It was the day which changed America. It was the day which changed everything.

Let's go back 17 years just for a moment. One of our stanchest allies in the Middle East is Saudi Arabia. Was then and is now. And yet, 15 of the 19 Al Qaeda hijackers were from Saudi Arabia. How can that be? The Saudis are our friends, our allies. Let me tell you what happened. 15 young men from the Kingdom, decided to put their religion ahead of their love of country. Then the next thing that happened, almost 3,000 innocent Americans died.

If you think that 9/11 was a "one off", think again. This was the second time that Muslims tried to take down our twin towers. Not Irish Catholics. Not Norwegian Lutherans. Not Buddhists. Not Orthodox Jews. But Muslims. And now we have waves of Muslims coming to America as refugees and immigrants. To assimilate and become Americans? Not hardly, to many of us. 

Many Muslims who have come to Minnesota, Michigan and other states are not fitting in well. And why should they. They don't want to "fit in". There are many parts of our American culture they do not like. Many do not care for dogs, for liquor, for gays, for pork products, for Christians, or for Jews. Then one might ask, what in the world are they doing here? It certainly is not the climate. 

The reason is becoming clear to many who are paying attention. Muslims continue to put their religion over their new adopted country. In other words, rather than becoming part of the American fabric, they are trying and make the American fabric more like them. 

Does this apply to all Muslims who have come to America? No, but enough of them. To be successful in this country, they need to understand one basic fact - acceptance is a two way street. Once they accept our way of life, and try to become Americans (just like many other immigrants have), they will be accepted more freely. In other words, when they accept us and our way of life, then we may accept them being here.

One final thought. I have seen many Muslims driving cars in South Minneapolis. Guess what I NEVER see on their bumpers? That stupid COEXIST bumper sticker. I have often wondered why. Is it they don't believe in bumper stickers, or just don't believe in coexisting with us? The naive liberals in town however, have it on their cars. Just saying.

On this day, we will all remember that awful day. Where we were, what we were doing. The patriots, bikers, firefighters and cops will be on the overpass in Coon Rapids again, flying a huge flag from the fire trucks. We will pause and think about the thousands of innocents who died 17 years ago, just for the crime of going to work. 

Will be ever forget? Hell no. And we will remember who did it - and why. We may find it in our hearts to forgive some day, but we will NEVER FORGET!  


  1. And a month later, Bush sent 2000 troops to Afghanistan and started the longest war in America's history. We went from enduring terror to "Enduring Freedom" in 26 days.
    We have progressed from killing Osama bin Laden to demonizing all Muslims. I guess we sent "thoughts and prayers" to the Saudi's for the loss of their 15 patriots.
    We have brought home 2500 dead and 20,000 wounded and still persist.
    I guess we are sending our own to atone for the sins of the few.
    god bless america

  2. And I would be remiss not to remind you what Trump said about the attacks when he called into a radio show that morning in 2001. “As the Twin Towers fell, Donald Trump chose that moment to say, ‘Well, I guess my buildings are the tallest now,'”

    1. And this years celebratory tweet, "17 years since September 11th!"

  3. An eagle landed on the fire truck at Andovers 9-11 display. It knows where the patriots live!
