Tuesday, September 18, 2018

The Logan Act of 1799

"In the court of public opinion, many think what Kerry is doing right now does nothing but show him to be a horse's butt. Least wise, that is my take. Arrogant to the last, this is oh, so Kerry. The only thing I am surprised about is that Hillary is not complacent in this mess."

There are a couple old sayings which might be appropriate for this article. The first could be, just because you can do something, does not mean that you should. Then there is the old standby - if something feels wrong, it usually is. What do those two adages have to do with anything? Simple - John Kerry. John Kerry, who has no status within the Trump Administration, is going behind the back of Mike Pompeo and meeting (maybe even negotiating) with the world's number one state sponsor of terror. That would be Iran.

Oh, if only the shoe was on the other foot right now! The Democrats would not only be howling about violating the ancient Logan Act, they would also be talking sedition and treason! Maybe our side should do that also. I trust Kerry about as far as he could throw his Viet Nam medals over the White House fence. 

The thing I find the most amusing about Kerry sticking his long face into our foreign affairs is this - he is trying to save one of the worst deals ever crafted. President Trump and Secretary Pompeo want to change the deal, so it looks more like a deal, instead of a give away. Kerry on the other hand, wants to maintain this deal. A deal which favors Iran at every turn, and puts the Untied States and Israel in more danger. Like nuclear danger. 

Some might ask, "What the heck is this Logan Act, anyhow?". It is an ancient law (circa 1799) which is very simple. It prohibits ordinary citizens (without authorization) from binding this country into agreements with a foreign country. It is as rare as it is old. Like hardly ever evoked. Why? Most people know better. However, the real irony is this - one of the people in this country who SHOULD know about the Logan Act is a former Secretary of State. Like John Kerry.

What do I think that President Trump and Secretary Pompeo should do? First off, cancel Kerry's passport. Then if he does still have a security clearance, yank it. Then, I would warn him. The next time he talks to the Iranians about anything more substantial than the weather forecast, Trump's DOJ will prosecute him. Plain and simple. He may think he is all that and a bag of chips, but very few other people share that view.

In the court of public opinion, many think what Kerry is doing right now does nothing but show him to be a horse's butt. Least wise, that is my take. Arrogant to the last, this is oh, so Kerry. The only thing I am surprised about, is that Hillary is not complacent in this mess.

One of the talking heads on a Blue Team cable station thought it was poor form for Pompeo to publicly call out Kerry on his misdeeds. Really? Just wait until Session calls him out - with cuffs in his hand. Then the caterwauling from the Left will really start.   


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Kerry is trying to undercut the sitting president’s position on Iran. That’s a serious transgression, especially since freelancing has a “track record of failure.”
    Even under the UC, Kerry won’t be prosecuted for violating the Logan Act, a dead-letter law that bars private diplomacy against US interests. But he keeps coming dangerously close to crossing the line.
    He’d do himself and his country a big favor by staying home and shutting up.
    You got it right this time, Bird

  3. The right-wing Tax Foundation concluded the UC’s tariffs will wipe out a significant percentage of any economic gains resulting from tax cuts for the wealthy that Republicans passed late last year. There are already some indications that wages aren’t keeping up with inflation, which will only become more of a problem as the UC imposes new tariffs on more imported goods.
    Tariffs are Taxes
    Tariffs are Taxes
    Tariffs are Taxes

    At the White House [on Monday], the UC wrongly said that “China is now paying us billions of dollars in tariffs” and he celebrated the Treasury Department collecting “tremendous amounts of money, which is great for our country.”
    And who payed those billions in tariffs?
    We did, you dotard.
