Monday, April 10, 2023

Clamoring for war

"Here is my advice to the homeland. The days of 'walking softly, but carry a big stick' are long over. Now our 'woke' government have made us a joke. We are a paper tiger, compared how we used to be. Our shameful retreat from Afghanistan proved that out."

It was a blessed Easter! Lots of joy and celebration! However, in the midst of all that joy celebrating our Risen Savior, something very sinister and dangerous is going on in the South China Sea. The war drums are beating. Communist China, who has zero stake in Taiwan, is getting ready to envelope and absorb this tiny island into the land mass of China. By force. If it costs millions of lives, who cares? If it destroys this vibrant economy, again, who cares. Red China is clamoring for war, and that is all we need to know.

Communist China is playing war games, right off the coast of Taiwan. They are within inches of having a seaborne embargo of the island. But don't worry, we have sent in one (1) destroyer into the fray to "show the flag". And here we have the rub.

The analogy I like to use, is the United States military is like a championship pro sports team (a few years past). Since that championship season, the United States has lost key players to free agency, and have spent little to gain back our greatness. Bottom line? Right now, our military is undermanned, outgunned, and stuck in a morass of "woke" leadership.

Red China on the other hand, has gone from a JV military to one which wants to "compete for the crown". They are big, they are outfitted, they are bad. A non-nuclear "dust-up" between China and the United States, makes me shudder. I worry that we could lose thousands of our young men and women, many of our ships, and ultimately - the war. 

Here are the facts. Ukraine has bled us dry. Biden has no clue, no clue what-so-ever, how to jump start our industrial base. I keep reading reports we have only weeks left in stock of 155 mm "arty" shells and certain types of missiles. We have promised many weapon systems to Taiwan, and delivered little so far. And yet, we have Chairman McCaul over in Taiwan right now, telling China they better "watch it", or they will have us to deal with. Our boots on the ground. Huh?

Here is my advice to the homeland. The days of "walking softly, but carry a big stick" are long over. Now our "woke" government have made us a joke. We are a paper tiger, compared how we used to be. Our shameful retreat from Afghanistan proved that out.

Time to either buff up our military, or time to stand down. Spilling our blood and treasure over lost causes is in nobody's interest. 


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