Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Hiding Biden, strikes again!

"The Democrats can try to make Trump into a boogie man as much as possible, but the real traitor is in Ireland right now, searching for his family roots. Let that thought marinate for a while."

Where is the world is Slo Joe now? Just in case you are wondering or interested, Rome (that would be us), is burning. And after yesterday, the burn went from only some hot embers, to a five alarm conflagration. But not to worry. With our country, and most of the world on fire right now, Slo Joe went to the world's most dangerous hot spot. Where is that? Ireland. Ireland? What the Sam Hill for? He and Hunter went over there (on Air Force One, paid by us), to search out their roots. Rumor has it Biden's great, great grandfather supplied the bricks to a castle, made to protect everyone from the great, great grandfather of Corn Pop.

Meanwhile, the greatest leak of highly classified information in the history of classified information, is now available for all to see. Classified information, ranging all the way from Confidential, to Super Fantastic. Some of the information is so damning, that it just might have put us one step closer to a boots on the ground to fight Russia.

For those of us who have handled mucho classified information in our military career, the question begs to be asked - how in the world could this have happened? What ever happened to chain of custody? SCIF protocol and safeguards? Anything? Or are things in the Biden circus that willy nilly? The chilling part of this story is not only do the wizards of smart in this administration not know how it happened, but they don't know if this is the end of it. There could be a lot more. Biden's crew simply does not know the answer as yet.

If Biden was only just inept, that would be bad enough. If Biden was only just corrupt, that would be bad enough. But to be corrupt and inept, is a nation wrecker. How bad are things right now? I don't know if Donald Trump became President again in 2024, and had 75% majorities in the House and Senate, if he could put Humpty Dumpty back together. Yes, things are broken that bad right now.

Plus the lies. The constant bald face lies. We now have empirical evidence that Biden and Hunter worked together on overseas business dealings when Slo Joe was Veep. Even though Joe swears he did not. And to find out now we have boots on the ground in Ukraine (albeit not many), when Biden swore we never would, is another lie.

Plus, we found out this week that Egypt and France have stabbed us in the back. France is a NATO ally. But Egypt is now working with the Russians (after we have given them billions), because as soon as Slo Joe took over from Trump, Joe walked away from the Abraham Accords. Why in the world would Joe doe that? Over something that historic and peace making? Because Trump did it. He crafted the agreements. And the visceral, seething HATE that Biden has for Trump, has guided much of Biden's misguided policies. 

As the putrid aroma of these intelligence leaks start to sink in all levels of Washington, expect to see dozens, maybe hundreds of Congressional investigations. The Democrats can try to make Trump into a boogie man as much as possible, but the real traitor is in Ireland right now, searching for his family roots. Let that thought marinate for a while.      

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