Thursday, April 13, 2023

Tyranny, Inc.

"With only 6% of our population showing interest in buying an EV, Biden using his tyrannical powers, is going to force over half of us to buy and EV - in the next 10 year! But most don't want an EV. Tough toenails."

When I was a lad, studying history in school (back when schools taught real history), I remember learning about why our country fought its war of independence. Quite frankly, the early settlers did not want to live under tyranny from England. They wanted freedom. Liberty. After we won our war of independence, that all worked very well for many years. The "American Experiment" worked nicely. That is - up until recently.

I would hope now that our President is on his "busman's holiday" in the British Isles, he could get caught up on some of our history. Seems he forgot the part about freedom and liberty. Joe Biden, thinks he is channeling King George from yesteryear. Only King George seemed to understand a whole lot more about freedom and liberty than Slo Joe does. 

This dictate which came our earlier this week from the EPA is yet another example. With only 6% of our population showing interest in buying an EV, Biden using his tyrannical powers, is going to force over half of us to buy and EV - in the next 10 year! But most don't want an EV. Tough toenails.

The EPA will make emission standards so severe on regular cars and trucks, they will not be able to pass muster. EVs will be the only solution for many. Thus, when King Joe says jump, your response is how high and how far. Buy the EV you don't want and can't afford, and shut up.

Rumors are swirling that the EPA also has designs on our air conditions. And the push to get rid of gas stoves is still being kicked around. We have plenty of untapped energy in our country. Hundreds of years of it. It belongs to all of us. Who made Biden king of the hill, that he could mandate not using our own energy? Why can't we mine the Duluth Shield for much needed copper and nickel? And by the way, our own dictator Walz is the same way. Democrats are tyrants. From my viewpoint, they are all of them, petty dictators. And people who keep voting for them, are nothing more than fools.

One more thing about this EV nonsense. Did you know that if you drive though some deep water, and the battery gets wet, it could short out, and overheat to an extent where it would catch fire? How about that for a carbon footprint! Also, in northern states, during extreme winter weather, the EV batteries lose 40% of their charge. But who cares?

Biden has brought us sky high inflation, a looming recession (per the Fed), hyper dependence on China, inches from nuclear war, men who think they can have babies, and alienation from many of our friends and allies. Did I mention he is also corrupt to the core? He is a tyrant, a petty dictator, and a fraud.

The only reason the people are not clamoring for Biden's impeachment, is "Kackles" is in the on deck circle. Yes, things could actually get worse. Much worse. 


1 comment:

  1. I will happily take "cackles" as Pres, since everybody knows she is a total fraud and without the cadre of puppeteers around her, certainly less harmful.
