Friday, April 14, 2023

The Great Reset, is starting to reset

"We are being played folks. Only the (dare I say this now?), the red pill folks realize it. The minions of blue pill folks have put their blinders on and have taken a huge swig of denial. When they wake up to what is really happening, it will be too late. Meanwhile, our great nation will be slipping into the dust bin of history."

My wife and I recently finished watching "The Chosen". All three seasons. It was a wonderful experience. Two of the memorable lines from the series were, "Normal is not coming back", and "Get used to different". Those lines referred to Jesus and His ministry of hope. Amen to that! But those lines also make me think of what is happening today.

When I first heard about the Great Reset, I thought it might have been another way for Glenn Beck to sell a book based on fear. I was dead wrong. The Great Reset is real, and might be happening right now, right in front of our eyes. Here are some thoughts/examples of the recently arrived Great Reset:

  • What is happening to our food production? Last June in Wright County, we lost 200,000 hens to a fire. That egg factory was one of the largest in the country. And just recently, we lost 18,000 milk producing cows in Texas, also to a fire. Both received very little press coverage. And there has been others...
  • Our land (big chunks of it), is being bought up by billionaires (like Bill Gates) and the Chinese government. Why? For spying? To idle the land so it can't be used for food production? What then? 
  • Ever since the start of the year, we have had over 70 attacks on Christian houses of faith. Mostly evangelical Christians. And our President does not miss an opportunity to take a shot at other Christians. Especially the ones who are anti-abortion - like Evangelicals. Never mind what the Bible says...
  • Another item which is getting very little coverage, is the diminution of our dollar, worldwide. Why? Our debt for one thing. Many countries who at one time saw our dollar as the rock to hold on to, are starting to look for other currency. Our dollar looks faux to many. How bad would it be for our country to lose the dollar as the world's standard? Unknown, but many financial experts think it would make us a much poorer country.
  • War. We are very close to war with nuclear advisories. Anyone who thinks we are not, might be smoking some bad weed. With the massive disclosure of classified material recently, it appears that we are in more danger than we ever imagined. If you can believe anything you read or hear these days, Ukraine is losing, Egypt and China are helping the Russians, and NATO has special forces on the ground in Ukraine. Our government has lied to us, over and over again. If you have not prepped yet, now would be the time to start.
  • And by the way, how in the world did a 21 year old, E-3 reservist get access to the most secret stuff from the CIA, NSA and DOD? Have things changed that much under Joe Biden? Or was this all a ruse? Like I say, you can't trust anything anymore.  
  • Joe Biden's EPA has decided without asking any of us, we will have strict new emission standards for our internal combustion engines by early in 2030. So strict, that most internal combustion engines will not be able to qualify. But the EV's will be. The EPA's goal is to have over 60% EV in the 2030s. Never mind most will not be able to afford an EV. Never mind we won't have enough charging stations. Never mind that even if we did have enough charging stations, we don't have enough power to charge the stations. And never mind the batteries don't work well is colder climates.
  • Yesterday, Joe Biden announced he will be giving all "Dreamers" access to state funded Medicare. Many border states are already bending under the strain of millions of illegals. The AG of Texas said this latest dictate of Biden will cause some states to go bankrupt.
  • Our children in government schools are being sexualized. Some of the books they have access to have appeared online. It is pornography for kids. Many also want kids to witness drag queen events. Story time by drags. When parents have protested this debauchery, the DOJ has unleashed their goons on the parents.
  • Transvestites, who are a minute minority in this country, are now being given enormous rights. The government is telling us it is okay for boys who dress as girls, to compete in girls sporting events. It is ruining women's sports. We are also being told that men can mensurate and also have babies.

There are more to this sordid list, but I think you get the picture. We are being played folks. Only the (dare I say this now?), the red pill folks realize it. The minions of blue pill folks have put their blinders on and have taken a huge swig of denial. When they wake up to what is really happening, it will be too late. Meanwhile, our great nation will be slipping into the dust bin of history.

The Great Reset. Many on the left think this is hogwash. Okay, I will bite. Then explain to me what in the world is going on? How in a bit over two years, we have gone from MAGA to a shit show.        

1 comment:

  1. "Then explain to me what in the world is going on? How in a bit over two years, we have gone from MAGA to a shit show."

    Great Reset or not, it's basically a matter of anti-nationalist Donkeycrats in power. We know what their game is, & it's up to us to stop it--one way or another. As for that big, fat Reset: Once we've taken power from the Jackasses, without the US on board it'll likely collapse into irrelevance.
