Saturday, April 29, 2023

Ministers hiding Bibles?

"I have said this before. If everyone lived by the standards set forth in the Holy Bible, and followed our Constitution as written - we would have only one political party. There would be very little, if anything to debate."

What in the world is this all about???? Just when you think we have seen it all coming out of the Democrat Party, a Democrat Representative in Arizona, who claims to be a minister of some sorts, was caught on video hiding Bibles in the Arizona chamber. Yes, she is a member of the party who booed God a few years back. She is a member of the party which worships at the shrine of abortion. But for a minister to hide Bibles, so others can't read them?  I would have loved to have asked this woman how that fits into the Great Commission

When she was outed for being the one hiding the Bibles, the good reverend said she was protesting the separation of church and state. Huh? Obviously, she skipped history when she was going through some kind of seminary. We have separation of church and state. We do not however, have a government mandated religion in this country. Heck, in Minneapolis, they even allow Muslims to broadcast come to prayer alerts five times a day (and how does that fit into the Great Commission?). So loud, the City Council had to amend city noise ordnances. No, for Democrats, every religion is fine except for Christianity. Why? I have no idea.

Why have Democrats become so secular? This secular trend is also affecting many of our more liberal churches. In the county next to ours, sits a Methodist church with five or six colored doors in front of it. "We are open to all", like other churches are not? And just this week, the kiosk in front of that church was changed to say "Trans rights are human rights." Not quoting scripture - rather quoting the social morays of today's confusing culture.

Here are the facts. By the way, listen to David Barton some time from Wall Builders if you really want a dive deep in these truths. This country, our country, was founded on Judeo-Christian principals. Many of the founders were men of deep faith. They were not secularists. They were Godly men trying to bind together a Godly nation. And if worked pretty good up until the 1960's. And now look at us. A Democrat ministers hiding Bibles, so others can't read them. 

Here is the real bad news for the Democrats. No matter what kind of shenanigans you pull and however much you try to besmirch the Almighty - God is in control. One day, we will all meet God, face to face. You may not think there is a God, nor a Heaven - but there is. You can count on it.  

I have said this before. If everyone lived by the standards set forth in the Holy Bible, and followed our Constitution as written - we would have only one political party. There would be very little, if anything to debate. It is possible you know. Both the Bible and the Constitution are there for all to read and follow. Maybe it is time to try that, before it is too late. Time is not our friend. It might be too late already.   


1 comment:

  1. Here's another slogan for that church: "Gun rights are human rights."
