Friday, April 21, 2023

The twists and turns of Title IX

"Twists and turns. That is what Biden is doing right now to appeal to any and every one-off constituency. Who is Biden against? China? Russia? Nope. MAGA Republicans. Go figure..." 

In June of 1972, a bill was signed into law. It was to correct some of the inequities of men's sports to woman's sports. Prior to that bill being signed into law, if a female wanted to try out for a sport in the high school I went to, it was cheerleading or dance line. Period. Now, woman's athletics are as vast in most schools, and one could imagine. No woman's football as yet, but who knows? That might be in the future.

When the bill passed, it had strong bipartisan support (remember that term - bipartisan?). 135 Democrats voted in favor of it in the House. With Republican support, it passed the House with a veto proof majority. It was signed into law, and woman's sport began the big journey into sports participation and recognition. The rest is history - that is, until Biden became President.

For some reason, Biden has a soft spot in his heart for transgenders. So much so, he is ready to upset the applecart of woman's sports. How is that? Biology. Biden believes that should a guy feel like he is a gal, it is alright to compete in woman's sports. Take Lia Thomas for example. An average swimmer when he/she was a guy, Thomas decided to become a gal. Then boom! He/she was the best swimmer on the woman's team! Still a guy, but thinks like a gal. And all of a sudden, Title IX started to bend under the strain of anti-biology.

Biden, has spread his passion for transgender sports to the entire Democrat party. Recently, a bill passed the Republican controlled House which would have protected woman's sports against transgender males. It passed, but did not have ONE Democrat vote in favor of it. The same party which helped shepherd Title IX over the finish line in 1972.

Even though the House passed it, the Democrat controlled Senate will not. And Biden would veto it should the bill reach his desk. Where does that leave woman's sports? Unknown. Where does that leave the Democrat Party? Lost and confused. Out of touch. 

Twists and turns. That is what Biden is doing right now to appeal to any and every one-off constituency. Who is Biden against? China? Russia? Nope. MAGA Republicans. Go figure... 

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