Sunday, March 17, 2024

Hell in Haiti

"History is being written right now. The island of Haiti is about ready to implode. People in this hemisphere, will starve to death."

What a mess. Right on our doorstep is an island, which is devolving into a living hell. Why? Many reasons, but the most common is corruption. In 2010, there was a terrible earthquake which struck Haiti. Hundreds of thousands died. The island was left in tatters. If not earthquakes, it was hurricanes which plagued the Haitians.

But the biggest menace was not nature. The biggest menace was Bill Clinton. Billions of dollars were raised worldwide to help Haiti. Massive debt relief was granted to Haiti. Bill Clinton was the co-chair of an organization (Interim Haiti Recovery Commission) to ensure massive relief dollars were spent wisely. The were not. Putting Clinton is charge of that money, was like putting the cat in charge of the canary. 

Jack Brewer, football player turned evangelist, was on the news this morning. He just returned from Haiti, as he was trying to get over a hundred orphans situated. The picture he painted of life in Haiti right now was like something out of a horror movie. The island is inches away from a civil war, and the gangs now have the upper hand. Relief money and food sent over to help the starving and impoverished evaporates as soon as hits the island. Instead of health and wealth like neighboring Dominican Republic has, Haiti only has starvation and death.

Every island in the region is fortifying its borders, getting ready for boatloads of refugees to come washing ashore. Florida is doing the same. Why? The first thing which happened when Haiti's government crumbled, was the prisons were opened and 4,000 convicts were released. When the Haitians come knocking, how in the world can they be vetted? Who is a convict, who is a gang banger, who is just a citizen? Or will we do like Joe Biden always does. Let everyone in, no vetting allowed, and worry about it later.

Bill Clinton. If not flying with Epstein many times on the "Lolita Express", he was screwing the poor people from Haiti. But don't worry about Slick Willy and wife. This poor couple from Arkansas, are now worth $45,000,000. Huh? How can that be? They have been public servants. Ask just about anyone in Haiti. They will tell you much of the money the Clintons have that belongs to them.

History is being written right now. The island of Haiti is about ready to implode. People in this hemisphere, will starve to death. Here is the irony. Just a few days ago, it was reported that Norway is now the richest nation on Earth. The highest standard of living. At the same time, the nation which has one of the lowest standards of living is Haiti, and in our neighborhood. Rich man, poor man. 

We have to get out of the habit of sending scads of money to an area with no accountability. Am I saying not to send money to Haiti? Nope - they need it - now. But right now, Blinken wants to send $300M over to Port-au-Prince. That would be a bad idea, as it would be like sending money to Gaza. Until you can ensure the right money gets into the right hands, sending money or food to combat zones is a fool's errand. It ends up with the bad guys, or just wasted. 

Maybe until we get a game plan down, we can send Bill Clinton over there by himself. We can see how that works out. Maybe Slick Willie can explain what happened to billions of dollars for Haiti relief which somehow evaporated. Maybe to ensure Bill does not get lonesome, we could send his wife with him. Just wondering...  


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