Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Physican, heal thyself!

"The House has already told Biden his 2025 budget is DOA. Go back and submit a real budget. Until then, we will keep doing extensions on the 2023 budget. Why? That is the way we are doing business these days. But in the meantime, Biden himself can help. He and the Biden crime family can pay the back taxes they have cheated on."

"I don't care if you make a billion dollars. Hell, I am a capitalist. But come on man, you need to pay your fair share!" Thus, speaks the man whose son is a tax cheat, his brother is probably a tax cheat, and Joe Biden himself could be a tax cheat. In other words, physician, heal thyself! Bottom line? In order for Biden's canard of a 2025 budget to have a snowball's chance of passing anything but gas, it would mean that most of us believe there are trillions of dollars out there, which could be collected in back taxes. Really Joe? 

Of all the piles of goo which have been put forward by this administration so far, this is the worst. It is a $7.3 trillion dollar budget (a mere 4.7% increase over the already inflated 2024 budget), with the promise it will reduce down our national debt. I get it - spend more money and our debt will go down. How? The IRS shaking down millions of innocents (and honest) taxpayers. Well, guess what Uncle Joe? This is not the la-la land that your mind lives in. This is a prescription for a $50T debt by 2030. 

Another thing which is wrong with Biden's budget is military spending. Inflation is 3.5%, and Biden wants only 1% more on the military. That is a cut you old fool! At a time when you have made the world much more dangerous, you want to cut our forces? Our military should be going up by 10%, with the proper offsets in all the Candyland programs you have started. This is the real world now Biden. We are low on ammo, need more ships, and have to revamp our recruiting and retention. How so? Get rid of all that DEI and pronoun training BS for a starter.

The best part of this fairy tale is Biden has the gall to falsely boast this fat pig of a budget has the ability to lower out debt by $3T over the next decade. How? Taxing the socks off of our wealthiest citizens and those evil corporations. I have tried to tell Biden this before in my blog. The wealthy don't have to live here. They can move to a much friendlier tax country. The corporations don't have to locate here. They can go elsewhere. Trump understands this - you don't. To attract wealth into our country, it all starts with the tax base. Have a lucrative tax base, the wealthy will come. Have a confiscatory tax base, the opposite will happen.

The House has already told Biden his 2025 budget is DOA. Go back and submit a real budget. Until then, we will keep doing extensions on the 2023 budget. Why? That is the way we are doing business these days. But in the meantime, Biden himself can help. He and the Biden crime family can pay the back taxes they have cheated on. Check Hunter's laptop. I am sure all the information needed is there.     


  1. Do you prefer crazy, stupid, or simply insane? All these deficits and debt could be completely eliminated, without raising taxes, by a few simple legislative steps from Congress, that they refuse to take! I wish I could get somebody to listen.

  2. Here's an even simpler solution. Constitution says only Congress can "coin" (i.e. print) money. Right now, whenever Treasury goes out to auction new bonds (necessitated by deficit spending), the public buys some at the offered interest rates, as it should be. But at the current rates, many are NOT sold, and what happens is that the federal reserve "buys" them and puts them on their books as an asset. They just "coined" billions of dollars of new money! So, all Congress (or some good Constitutional lawyer) has to do is prohibit that! Unsold bonds means Congress cannot spend it, or the bonds have to be reissued at some outrageous interest rate, putting massive pressure on Congress to stop the deficit spending because consumer interest rates will follow. (and holders of current bonds take a beating).
