Saturday, March 30, 2024

What's up with "Genocide Joe"?

"Meanwhile, the chattering class is hot on the heels of 'Genocide Joe'. Will that change him? Maybe make him even more of a flip flopper. But here is the bottom line. Bibi knows what happened in Israel was a cruel massacre. He will avenge the fallen. He will try to free the hostages. He will end Hamas. What help is Biden? Nada - too busy flipping and flopping."  

Sorry Joe. Sometimes no matter how careful you are walking down the street, you will stumble. The BIG fundraiser the other night, complete with cheap comedy and two former socialist presidents, turned out to be somewhat of a flop. Flop? What do you mean Bird? Did they not gather over $25M from the rich and powerful in the NY area? Sure did. But Joe Biden also brought his new cheering gallery (which I am sure he did not want) with him. The pro-Palestine contingent, shouting "Genocide Joe", over and over and over again.

Right now, Joe Biden is playing tiptoe through the landmines. He is bleeding former support from the black community, Hispanic community, suburban housewives, and now - Muslims. Don't worry, he is also bleeding support from the Jewish community. Why? Playing both ends against the middle. And right after some more war material was authorized to go to Israel for the war in Gaza, Joe Biden told the protesters, "I know how you feel." Huh? Come on Joe! You can do better than that!

Then there was the policeman's wake. Johathan Diller, age 31 doing a routine traffic stop. Only this was not routine. The car he pulled over had two illegals, who were career criminals. Before anyone knew it, this young cop, husband and father, was gunned down. Gunned down by two perps who should not have been in this country. Who does the cop's family blame? Democrats, and their soft on crime, and sanctuary city bs. The family made it known; no Democrat politician was welcomed at the wake nor the funeral. 

Pander, pander, pander. And what good does it do? Maybe a short-term buzz, but long term - it shows everyone just how cheap and easy a politician is. Joe Biden has pandered and lied for almost 50 years now. Most normal folks can see through this thin veneer. Does Trump pander also? A bit - but he is an amateur compared to Biden. Bobby Kennedy? Unknown. We will need to wait and see.

Meanwhile, the chattering class is hot on the heels of "Genocide Joe". Will that change him? Maybe make him even more of a flip flopper. But here is the bottom line. Bibi knows what happened in Israel was a cruel massacre. He will avenge the fallen. He will try to free the hostages. He will end Hamas. What help is Biden? Nada - too busy flipping and flopping.  

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