Friday, May 31, 2024

Un-ringing a bell

"Where do we go from here? Is there going to be healing of any sort, or is this hatred thing going to rule the day from here forward? Once the Democrats started putting their thumbs on the scale of justice, that is where America as we knew her - stopped. Even some of the staunchest patriots I know, are now saying we live in a banana republic."

In all my days on this wonderful planet, living in this most amazing country, I have never seen anything like this. What is that? Hate. Pure, unvarnished hatred. I have never seen an American hated so much by another political party. How deep is this hatred? So deep that many are willing to sacrifice the very essence of our country. Our sense of fairness. But now the deed has been done. The bell has been rung. And there is no un-ringing that bell. 

I fear what happened yesterday was a wake-up call for our friends and allies. America, the beacon of freedom and liberty to all to see, has devolved into a corrupt echo of what it once was. As our friends look away in shame, our enemies have become even more emboldened. The sharks have been smelling blood in the water since January of 2021, and now they are in a feeding frenzy. Besides smelling blood in the water, these sharks can also smell fear and weakness. Why are wars breaking out all over the world? That is why. Weakness and fear in American leadership.

How much do the Democrats and socialists hate Donald Trump? More than any foreign enemy. More than Hamas. More than the Nazis. More than anything seen or unseen on this planet. And why do they hate this man so much? Because of what he can do when elected president. He is a doer. A fixer. A peace dividend leader. And the Democrats cannot put a glove on him. Because of that, Democrats and socialists are bound and determined to ensure Donald Trump NEVER sees the inside of the White House again. Rather, they want to make Trump go to the "big house" instead. Prision. For the rest of his life. And they will scorch the Earth to make this happen. 

A former Democrat strategist was on this news this morning. He was asked what the fallout will be from yesterday's jury verdict. His answer was most interesting. The Republicans are even more energized than they were before the verdict. The Democrats stayed the same, as 40% hate his guts and that number has not changed. Independents? They are concerned who can fix vexing problems like inflation and immigration. So far, Biden and company have shown the independents they are only the cause of vexing problems, and not the solution.

Where do we go from here? Is there going to be healing of any sort, or is this hatred thing going to rule the day from here forward? Once the Democrats started putting their thumbs on the scale of justice, that is where America as we knew her - stopped. Even some of the staunchest patriots I know, are now saying we live in a banana republic.

Sad - very sad. "It is a republic, if you can keep it." I guess we couldn't. 



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