Friday, July 12, 2024

As the sun sets...

"I know it is trite to say this, as we have heard this before. But this time it really is for all the marbles. Don't think so? Just ask our friends overseas. They have had it with Joe. They will tell you. The world needs a sheriff once again."

I have heard in the past four years that the sun might be setting on America. The once great country has intentionally throttled itself into a sameness with needless regulations and taxes. We have gone from the country of "can do" to a country of leading from behind - which has now become following from behind. How did all this happen? Joe Biden. The people who voted for Joe Biden. MAGA went from Make America Great Again under Donald Trump, to the new MAGA - Make America Guilty Again. Guilty? Guilty of what? Being great. Equal opportunity to do just about anything. Now replaced with the race to the bottom known as equity via DEI.

Last night, our soon to be gone President of the United States, held a "big boy" presser. It was "just okay" for Joe, as the bar has been set so low for him. However, for a normal president, it would have been a disaster. It reminded me of having an older relative when I was younger, with the older relative having some cognitive issues. When the relative would come to a family event, the question was always asked, "How is {fill in the blank"} doing today." The answer would always either be "okay", or "not good today". That is the question that everyone (especially Democrats) is now asking about Joe Biden. How did he do today? Again, the answer for last night was "just okay". 

Here is the fact of life. The sun is setting on Joe Biden. As an older friend once told me, it is hell when you brain goes before your body does. What does all this mean? Everyone ages different. Joe's brain is aging before the rest of him ages. In four years, by the end of his second term, Joe might not be able to recognize Jill. That is how cruel dementia or Parkinson's is. As hard as it is on a family to witness this decline, it would be catastrophic for a country, should that person be president.

When does Joe Biden need to retire? If it were up to me, tomorrow. Having Biden in charge right now is putting this country in grave danger. Even a gadfly like Harris would be better to have in charge until next January. Then when Donald Trump takes the oath of office for a second time, the rest of the world will know this country is not "sun-setting". On the contrary, as Ronald Reagan would say, "It will be morning again in America". 

Next week is the RNC convention. All eyes on Wisconsin for this major political event. Joe's handlers will keep him hidden and low key until this convention is over. What will America see and hear during the convention? Not a human gaffe machine, that is for sure. We will hear how we will once again have more secure borders. Less crime in our cities. More energy. A stronger defense. A more peaceful world. NO DEI ANYWHERE!! Opportunity, opportunity, opportunity.

It is time to take a broom and sweep out the naysayers, the lackies, the grifters and get them out of our government. This time really do need a red wave. A tidal wave of red. I know it is trite to say this, as we have heard this before. But this time it really is for all the marbles. Don't think so? Just ask our friends overseas. They will tell you. The world needs a sheriff once again.   

1 comment:

  1. "This time really do need a red wave. A tidal wave of red."

    Yes we do--in the contemporary political-cliché expression--because otherwise it may come in a more literal, sanguine sense.
