Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Weird and abortions

"Should this country be stupid enough to elect an immoral gadfly like Harris over a proven performer like Donald Trump, this country is lost. We will have 'lost the gate', and the ship will sink." 

What is Kamala Harris' number one issue? Her cause celeb? Inflation? Energy? War? Anything? If you guessed "a woman's right to healthcare" (aka abortions), you win the prize. Not only is she saying it, but her blue wave of minions are also parroting it. This is nothing new however - abortion is such a cornerstone of the Democrat Party, it snuffed out the 2022 "red wave", as the fear mongers were telling voters that Republicans are going to relegate abortions to back allies with rusty hangers, once again.

My first boss after getting out of college was a real treat to work for. A WW II and Korean War vet, he had very strong country and family values. A lifelong Catholic, he and his wife had six kids, and like most Catholics back then, he found abortion to be repugnant. One day when we were on our way to work (we carpooled), I asked him about accidental pregnancies when two people were dating. He thought it was an odd question coming from this Lutheran boy. "Well, the best way not to get pregnant when dating is to take some noassatall every day." I asked him what noassatall was. He told me just to think about it - it would come to me.

He was right. That was the morality in his day. Abortions were very rare because so were unplanned pregnancies. Should a couple slip up and the women get pregnant, the noble thing for the young man to do would be to marry her. Or sometimes she would go away for a while, have the baby, and give it up for adoption. But the primary way to prevent pregnancies was for the man to "keep it in his pants" (so to speak).

On the news this morning, I heard something I had to listen to twice to believe. The new strategy is for the Democrats to refer to Trump and Vance as "strange". Every time either Trump or Vance talks about issues such as the open border, runaway inflation, high gas prices, or others, the response by the left is to call them "strange". Really? That response is strange to me. But I suppose when you have nothing to come back with, "strange" is better than nothing.

This morning, Drudge (who seems to have joined the dishonest media), proclaimed that Harris is leading in the polls. Really? I find that hard to believe. Should this country be stupid enough to elect an immoral gadfly like Harris over a proven performer like Donald Trump, this country is lost. We will have "lost the gate", and the ship will sink. Like I have said before, this race really is for all the marbles. 


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