Monday, July 8, 2024

Our open door

"In all my decades of life, I have never seen America look like this. So vulnerable, so open. Having Joe Biden in charge was supposed to be like having the adults back in charge. Well, lessons learned on that one. Having the Party of Marx in charge of our country has been a huge mistake."

Feel it yet? That feeling of being exposed? To what you might ask. To danger. To the outside world, which is now loaded with bad people and bad governments. The once invincible United States is anything but invincible. We are vulnerable - by the intentional design of one of our major political parties. Make no doubt about this. It is not conjecture nor hyperbole. It is the sad and very ominous truth. The Democrat Party has left us naked, scared and alone. And until the next government is sworn in (in January 2025), we are all in danger. Gave, maybe mortal danger.

As I have addressed MANY times before, part of us having an open door to our safety is our wide-open borders. This has not in the past, nor does it right now, make any sense. None. But we have. And now there are millions of people, some vetted, most not, running around our country. Are some here to do us harm? We hope not, but the odds of at least 1% of these 10 million people being "dirty" are almost absolute. Then why would the Democrats intentionally open us up to all this needless danger? Votes. Power. It is as simple as that.

But just recently we saw the other reason the open door to our safety exists. When the Democrats nominated (and then many sheeple elected) Joe Biden, he was already over the hill and somewhat nutty. Today however, Joe Biden is nothing more than a train wreck. Doctors much smarter than I have weighed in on Joe's condition. Dementia. And dementia is a disease which is progressive. In other words, the Joe Biden we see now is in much better shape than the Joe Biden we will see a year from now. Let that thought marinate for a while.  

And yet many Democrats want Joe to run for another four years. Although some (finally) are asking Joe to step down, the majority seem to be just fine with this empty suit running our country. Ladies and gentlemen - I need to be Captain Obvious for just a second - unlike Russia, China, North Korea or Iran, we have nobody running our country. We are adrift. We are an open target for anybody. Ronald Reagan's "peace through strength" has been replaced with "come on is and take what you want."

Law and order continue to dissolve internally also. INYMI, this weekend there were ANOTHER 100 shootings in Chicago with 17 of those being fatal. This is the city in a bit over a month will host the DNC convention. Closer to home, the citizens in many neighborhoods in Minneapolis are crying ENOUGH as feral youth continue to roam the streets, shooting lethal fireworks at cars, people and police. Why? To get "clicks" on Tic Tok. Meanwhile, some areas of town look like war zones.

In all my decades of life, I have never seen America look like this. So vulnerable, so open. Having Joe Biden in charge was supposed to be like having the adults back in charge. Well, lessons learned on that one. Having the Party of Marx in charge of our country has been a huge mistake. How much so? Vladimir Putin looks at America now and laughs. Calls us a "fading power". 

Maybe Putin is right. We are fading. But we are fading by our own hand. Our own design. America, this is what we voted for. Please let this be an indelible lesson. We must remember what our DOI said in its closing - ..."we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor". Wise words back then. But our framers said nothing back then about putting the nation at risk to garner more political gain.

If we can survive until January, we must ensure, promise ourselves and each other, that this CAN NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN.  

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