Sunday, July 14, 2024

Tough, yet blessed

"As good as Donald Trump is, I don't want to edify him into something he is not. Donald Trump cannot save us - only the blood of Jesus can do that. But Donald Trump can use his talents as a builder and a maker to truly Make America Greater Again. We need that, and the world needs that." 

Yesterday, we came about an inch from losing our 45th president. We came an inch from losing the person who will most likely be our 47th president. And we came an inch from maybe from having a civil war. Why do I say that? A medical doctor was on the news this morning. He discussed the closeness of the wound that Donald Trump received. "It is a medical miracle" the doctor said. If Donald Trump had not turned his head to look at something, that round, fired from a sniper with a long gun, would have entered Donald Trump's brain. And then the doctor said, "If a bullet hits that part of the brain, the patient is usually gone - instantly".

Yesterday when Donald Trump was released from the hospital, his son Eric summed it all up - "My Dad is as tough as they come." True words Eric. But Donald Trump is also blessed. This close call was not luck, karma, fate or Juju. It was the divine protection of God Almighty. Donald Trump was blessed, and this nation was blessed. As the saying goes, Donald Trump may not be a perfect man, but he is the perfect man to heal this great nation.

Much is left to be learned about the how and why of yesterday. We can't ask the sniper any questions, as right after he fired, he was taken out by Secret Service counter snipers. Was he one of these sheeple who believed all the blather from the left that Donald Trump was going to ruin our democracy? Or was he one of these leftists who knew the left could not defeat Trump at the ballot box. 

Here is the bad news for the secular humanists on the left side of the street. There is an old saying that if you try and kill the king, you better not only wound him. And that is exactly what they have done. Like a Phoenix, Donald Trump will rise from this near-death experience as even a stronger candidate. Instead of killing Trump, they have made him even stronger. 

The similarities of Trump and Reagan are almost spooky. When Reagan was shot, the bullet lodged within an inch of his heart. If Reagan had zigged instead of zagged (as the expression) goes, we would have lost the Gipper early in his presidency. But we didn't, and Reagan went on to do amazing things, not the least was to end the Cold War without a shot being fired. Why was Trump spared? Why did he turn his head ever so slightly to save his life? I can only imagine...

As good as Donald Trump is, I don't want to edify him into something he is not. Donald Trump cannot save us - only the blood of Jesus can do that. But Donald Trump can use his talents as a builder and a maker to truly Make America Greater Again. We need that, and the world needs that. 

This morning in church, my wife and I will lead the staff in prayer before the services begin. We will offer prayers of praise and adoration for the blessings that God gave us yesterday. Yes, that was the hand of God protecting us all yesterday. And for that, we will give thanks.  

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