Saturday, July 6, 2024

Our invisible president

"The invisible president can run (ruin) the country from the bowels of the White House, but when Joe is out in the open, he is on his own. The Republicans in the House (and in the Senate once it changes hands in November), will be all over this invisible president issue. If Biden is re-elected, all hell will break lose in Washington." 

I think we have all heard this enough by now. At first, it was just a voice calling in the wilderness. Now it is almost a cacophony of voices, coming from all over the country. What became crystal clear to many (estimated to be 50,000,000 watching) during the first presidential debate, the country is being run by someone other than Joe Biden. Well, out with it then! Who is it? Who has our future, our safely, our liberty (what is left of it) in his or her hands? That is the $64,000 question.

It has recently dawned on me what the Democrat plan is. Sure, some are stepping out in courage and saying the party needs a new torch bearer. A new standard-bearer. Joe, who is showing off his new George Montgomery like tan, showed up on George Steffy-what-is-his-name show for an interview. When asked about some of his party's defections, the ones wanting someone other than Joe Biden, his response was simple. "Only God can tell me when to leave". I guess not only do we now have a dictator, but also a pope.

Back to the Democrat's plan. Keep Joe propped up, even if Red Bull is not enough to do the trick. Wheel him into the next debate if necessary. Have him wired for sound, so his team can whisper him answers. Make it through the debate looked better than in the first debate, and then on to the election in November. Let early voting and as well as the suspect voting machines do the rest. Get Biden elected for a second term, and then the invisible president will keep on running the country.

Come on man! This can't be real! It sounds more like a Tom Clancy novel than our reality! Be that as it may, this is Biden 2.0. He looks and acts nothing like Biden 1.0, and most of us did not like that version either. BTW - as an aside, there is a NATO meeting coming up shortly. Many are wondering how Joe looks in front of our NATO allies. All I can say is this - when Joe started to wonder off during the G7 meeting, and the Italian PM had to grab him and turn him the right way to where the action was - the look on her face was a kodak moment. It was a look of distain or almost disgust. Like - she was tired of being Joe's babysitter. 

The invisible president can run (ruin) the country from the bowels of the White House, but when Joe is out in the open, he is on his own. The Republicans in the House (and in the Senate once it changes hands in November), will be all over this invisible president issue. If Biden is re-elected, all hell will break lose in Washington. 

Are we in for a bumpy ride until November? I could ask Joe Biden, but I don't understand him when he mumbles or talks in Kamala like word salad. And that is the world we now live in.   

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