Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Feeling safe?

"Is there any help for us? Absolutely! Donald J. Trump, with a friendly House and Senate, will fix this. But four more years of Biden will be the final nail in our coffin. But help is on the way. The Lord be willing, and if the cheaters do not prosper, help IS in the way." 

Ever since Sloppy Joe raised his hand to take the oath (which he never has kept), the stitched up southern border was relieved of the remaining stiches which held it together. It was proclaimed to be WIDE OPEN TO ANYONE, regardless of that lying sack of whatever (Mayorkas) continues to tell (under oath) Congress when questioned. From the people we have caught, we now know we have over 100 countries represented sneaking into our country. But the "got aways"? Who knows how many and where they came from.

Tonight, when you go to bed, leave your doors unlocked, your wallet on the kitchen table, and if you have a handgun, unload it and hide it somewhere. Now you know what the country looks like. Wide open and undefended. Biden has neutered ICE and made then into nothing more than babysitters. If bad guys come in with the flow of illegals, who is keeping track of them? Who is hunting them? Who is looking out for YOU, the citizen? Zilch, zilch and zilch. 

In all my days living in this country, I have never seen anything like this. I have never seen anything even close to this. Where is the press? Oh, that is right. We don't have a real press anymore. Not even close. The Fourth Estate, which has been so vital to this country since the get-go, is no more. We don't have a press anymore. We don't have real journalists. We have paid actors. DFL and DNC activists. Robots, or worse.

How bad are they? Most folks I know don't even waste five seconds watching any news channel. Fox News is about the best, but even they need to be held accountable. Drudge has sold out, so now the choices are even slimmer.

It pains me to say this, but our country is a mere joke compared to what it once was. Our friends look at us in shock, and our enemies look at us with glee. It only took four years for Biden to finish the dismantling of America, which Obama started. 

Is there any help for us? Absolutely! Donald J. Trump, with a friendly House and Senate, will fix this. But four more years of Biden will be the final nail in our coffin. But help is on the way. The Lord be willing, and if the cheaters do not prosper, help IS in the way. 


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