Monday, July 15, 2024

Should DEI be labeled DOA ASAP?

"Before I get hate mail, please understand this. I am all for being different. None of us are exactly the same. I am okay with presidential cabinets being made up of shorter, taller, skinnier, not as skinnier, black, white, red, yellow and so forth. All I am asking is DEI be replaced with MOST QUALIFIED." 

I have said this since Joe Biden first put his cabinet together after getting elected. Whereas Joe wanted his cabinet to "look like America", it gave me pause to think - what did former cabinets look like? I think they too, looked like America. But Biden took this one step further. In many of his picks, he went for "shock value". Remember Sam Brinton? The non-binary whatever? The cabinet which "looks like America", started looking more like a freak show. 

Why is all of this starting to bubble up now, at the end of the Biden regime? The near assassination of Donald Trump uncovered more problems. It seems the head of the Secret Service is also a DEI pick of Joe Biden. This former security chief of Pepsi was asked to "reshape" the entire Secret Service cadre. Start a program called "30 by 30". In other words, by 2030, have 30% female agents. Is there a problem with that? Maybe.

For reasons only known to this DEI hire to head up the Secret Service, the number of agents available to protect Donald Trump was very low. In addition, the DEI hire was one of them. All 5' 5" of her. The problem is that Donald Trump is over 6' tall. Agents are supposed to be able to shield whom they are protecting from top to bottom. In other words, this gal did not belong in the Secret Service, much less leading it. And the 30% female they want to hire? They better all be over 6' tall. 

Before I get hate mail, please understand this. I am all for being different. None of us are exactly the same. I am okay with presidential cabinets being made up of shorter, taller, skinnier, not as skinnier, black, white, red, yellow and so forth. All I am asking is DEI be replaced with MOST QUALIFIED. It is a novel concept I know - but most reading this article have been hired at jobs they were the most qualified for. Not that they looked a certain way or "checked a certain box".

When Donald Trump becomes president in January, will he appoint any cabinet members who are gay? Absolutely, if they are qualified. Donald Trump will use the "best and the brightest" yardstick when he assembles his new cabinet. That is the way it should be. Our military should be the same way. Best and brightest. 

Should DEI be considered DOA ASAP? Please, yes. It is an experiment we tried, and it failed. Enough of the clown car please - let's get back to running, not ruining, our country.    

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