Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Our warfare on lawfare

"Soon after November, the disinfectant of change will pour over Washington like the cleansing of a spring rain. All the crap, the cancer, the corruption, will start to wash away. If the Democrats don't like it, they can all go to California and start their own country." 

Yesterday, SCOTUS finally spoke on the Presidental immunity issue. Did you hear the wailing and the gnashing of teeth from the loony left? "The Supreme Court just gave us a king and not a president!", one idiot shouted. Then AOC, the most renown bartender turned legal scholar we have, declared, "We need to impeach the Supreme Court!" Huh?

So, what did really happen with some of the historic ruling's SCOTUS made this session? It told Jack Smith and others, to knock it off. The court is wise to what is going on. And what is going on? Lawfare, pure and simple. Lawfare perpetrated by the loony left for only one reason - to gut Donald Trump of any chances of seeing the White House again. And why is that? Because they can't beat Trump at the ballot box. Plus, Trump can cure the cancer which has affected out government. He can drain the swamp. He can end the Democrat tyranny and replace it with our Republic, once again.

Last evening, they woke up Joe Biden and wheeled him into the press arena to explain to us that Democrats are now going to declare war on the Supreme Court. Maybe pack it. Who knows? All the Democrats know right now, is the once reliable left leaning Supreme Court is now rendering judgements on fact, and not fiction - and the Democrats don't like that. The Supremes have told Jack Smith and Garland to "pound sand", in so many words.

By the way, just as an aside, was it not Joe Biden who also told the Supreme Court to "pound sand" when the court said Biden had no authority to forgive student debt? Funny how that works out. Here is the issue - the Democrats must really think we are stupid, not to see the dangerous game they are playing. Well, we are not stupid, and can see every move. We understand "lawfare" and what it is doing to innocent people in our country. 

A word of additional commentary. Seeing how the two sides on our country reacted to the recent decisions by the court, only solidifies how divided our country really is right now. We are as divided as the east is from the west. Is there any way to mend our country, to "rebind" it so to speak? I doubt it. Just as there are two Dakotas and two Carolinas, there will soon be two Americas. And at this point, I am just fine with that.

Soon after November, the disinfectant of change will pour over Washington like the cleansing of a spring rain. All the crap, the cancer, the corruption, will start to wash away. If the Democrats don't like it, they can all go to California and start their own country. 

The normal folks will retain the title of The United States of America for their country. The new Democrat country can be known for what it really is - The Un-tied States of America. There - problem solved. No more lawfare for normal folks.        

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