Friday, July 26, 2024

Director Wray - what the what????

"Those of us who have been paying attention, know one thing for sure. There is a whole lot, a ton of stuff, left to tell on this story. Right now, things don't add up. Like - how did the rifle get on the rooftop? Why was there no drone assisting the overwatch? Who was in charge?" 

Two weeks ago, President Trump was shot. An attempted assassination. But hold on for a second! Maybe he was not shot. Either it was some kind of fake event, or the bullet really did not hit Donald Trump - Trump was hit by some kind of shrapnel. Sorry media - the hospital listed his wound as a bullet wound. Even if it had been shrapnel, what difference would it make?

A friend of mine in the Navy during Viet Nam was on the P-3 doing some crypto stuff by the DMZ. His plane got hit by some triple "A". One round hit his typewriter (which he had between his legs while working) and blew it to smithereens. He ended up with shrapnel from the typewriter in his abdomen. In the eyes of the Navy, he was wounded in battle and decorated as such. He was not hit by a bullet (which probably would have killed him), but pieces of his typewriter.

But what really got the media in a feeding frenzy? The Director of the FBI, Chris Wray, saying "We don't know for sure it was a bullet which hit Donald Trump". Wait - what? Was it a bumble bee? A wasp? Horsefly? Was it just a coincidence that when whatever bit Trump's ear, happened at the same time this nut ball was emptying out his AR-15? Come on Director! You know darn well Trump was shot! Now the media is saying that this was just another theater trick of Donald Trump.

Those of us who have been paying attention, know one thing for sure. There is a whole lot, a ton of stuff, left to tell on this story. Right now, things don't add up. Like - how did the rifle get on the rooftop? Why was there no drone assisting the overwatch? Who was in charge? Who was calling the shots (so to speak)? The entire thing was a cluster from the get-go. Now that we got rid of the DEI Director of the Secret Service, Chris Wray should be next. And then Mayorkas (for a multitude of reasons). 

Every time I see the replay of the shot, I realize how close we came to losing Trump. If Trump had fallen, I am convinced the country would have come unglued. We would have lost our best hope to fix things, and the cold civil war we are in would have turned very hot, very fast. Thank God this did not happen!

Stay alert during the next 100 days. Much could happen which would smell like rotten eggs. The other side wants to retain power at any cost. Remember that - at any cost. 


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