Sunday, July 7, 2024

Coming in August! Chicago 2.0! Yikes!

"What about the MAGA types? The 'Chistian Nationalists'? The normal folks? The patriots? What are they going to do on August 19th? I fit into those above listed categories. What am I going to do? Turn on the TV and pop some popcorn. When Democrats fight Democrats, it is always good theater." 

Some of us old geezers were around in 1968. I had just graduated from high school and was trying to figure out the rest of my life. The politics of the day had little interest to me - all I knew was it was a mess. Viet Nam had left a mark on then president LBJ. So much so, he decided not to seek a second term. But Viet Nam had not just left a mark on LBJ - it stained much of our country. In particular, young draft aged boys to men. 

The country was already a cauldron in 1968. Martin Luther King had been assassinated in April. Bobby Kennedy was gunned down in June. LBJ was not running, and with Bobby dead, many peaceniks now wanted Eugene McCarthy to be our next president. To top things off, Viet Nam was still killing our young boys. The stage was set for a Democratic convention like no other. And the expectations did not disappoint. What happened in Chicago is now history, and not good history at that.

Flash forward to today. The dust has settled in Chicago, and I would like to say the blood has been washed from the streets. But it has not. Chicago remains a shooting gallery with hundreds of young black boys being killed every year by other young black boys. Why? Chicago remains under the boot heel of Democrat control. They let crime run free. A nut ball named Brandon Johnson is the mayor (he is actually worse than the last one), and some trust fund baby named J. B. Pritzker is the governor of the state. Both statists, loons and longtime members of the DNC cabal. Meanwhile, the blood continues to run down the gutters of Chicago.

How are the politics today, with the next Chicago DNC convention right around the corner? Not like 1968, but not good either. Bobby Kennedy is no longer around, but his kid is. And RFK Jr, even with his very strong pedigree, has been excluded from the DNC dance. The Obama/Biden machine decided they wanted nothing to do with Bobby Jr, so he was exiled to run as a third-party candidate. Joe Biden has the primary votes to be the standard-bearer for the party, but there is only one problem - Biden does not know if it is Tuesday or Thursday. And now, after that first Biden/Trump debate, most everyone knows that about good old Joe.

The DNC convention starts on August 19th - a scant 43 days away. All the ingredients are there for a brokered convention. Maybe a violent convention. Will Joe Biden still be a candidate on August 19th? Will someone talk him into quitting? Will the "team" pull the Amendment 25 lever? Will some fools decide that Kamala would be better than Joe? What about some of the statist governors who are waiting in the wings? Questions, questions, questions.

Finally, what about the MAGA types? The "Chistian Nationalists"? The normal folks? The patriots? What are they going to do on August 19th? I fit into those above categories. What am I going to do? Turn on the TV and pop some popcorn. When Democrats fight Democrats, it is always good theater. 


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