Thursday, October 24, 2013

Godly People; Godly Nation


"I am afraid our spiritual compass might be broken and need some immediate repair..."

I worry about our country. I mean I worry about our country a lot. I really don't like the trajectory we are on. In fact, if you look back to how our country was founded, and then look to Washington today, there is a huge difference. Quite simply, this nation was founded on Godly principals. The basis of our Constitution on Godly principals. Our rights did not come from any monarchy or government - they came directly and only from God.

One of my favorite words from scripture is Emmanuel - "God is with us". As a man, I am comforted to know that God is with me; as a family man, I want God to be with my family; as an American, I want our country to walk in the footsteps of God's will. I know in the past,  nations who have turned their back on God have generally not done well. This nation was founded by men and women who spent time in prayer on bended knee. I believe that is the only way we will survive in the future.

It is interesting that some other faiths believe our land is corrupt - it has become a cesspool. It is no wonder they think that when you look at the vision of America which comes out of Hollywood and our music industry. Rather than displaying the best of us, our media often shows the worst. In fact, some nations are encouraging their citizens not to visit here because of the senseless violence which now stalks our land. We are better than this! We have been a country of values. If our moral compass is broken, we need to fix it, and fix it fast.

There is absolutely no doubt in my mind if we once again walk with God, many (if not all) of our nation's problems will become more manageable. God has blessed this land before and He will do again. But we must NOT turn our back on Him. Even if you are at a point in your life where you do not believe in God, you can still believe in the way He wants us to live our lives. If you don't think that God talks to you, read His Word - He will use it to talk to you every day.

I hope this does not sound "preachy" - it was not my intent. I have been the biggest offender on how to correctly live my life. But the God of a thousand chances has given me yet another chance to walk in His ways. I love the hope that God has given us. In this life, I will never be able to understand the enormity of His love. I just know that He loves all of us more than we can ever know.

I want our nation to once again be the salt and the light. I want other nations to see us as the "shining city on the hill". More than anything however, I want our path to be totally in line with what God wants of us. Godly people living in a Godly nation - I know this is where we should be right now.

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