Thursday, October 3, 2013

Right and Wrong


"And the difference between right and wrong is ---- who cares?!?"

I have been preoccupied as of late thinking about right and wrong. Not right or wrong - rather right and wrong. The reason I say that is simple - the concept of "right" has evolved (or devolved) to many as nothing more than moral relativism. One time we as a society had a common set of norms that defined right or wrong.  Today by contrast, we use a whole slew of politically correct non-descript words to describe our actions. We have become our own moral arbiter. If it feels good, we are good to go.

Many on the Left have given up on the teachings of the Bible as well as the constructs of our Constitution. Why? Both are too absolute. Instead of right or wrong, we have become comfortable in the world of right and wrong. If it feels good, do it. Guilt has become so passé. We always seem to have a reason, an excuse, to define our actions or behavior.

We see this all the time today. For example, we recently had the trial of a member of congress who was caught with "his hand in the cookie jar". In days gone by, the perpetrator might say have said something like, "I did wrong and I am sorry. I will accept the consequences of my action." Not today. This representative said he had bi-polar and that was the cause of his misstep. Or, it could have been the devil made him do it; or the dog ate his homework. The court system gave him a light sentence, retirement pay of almost $9,000 a month, AND disability payments due to his "disease". As a convicted crook, he will now make more money in prison than I make as a retired person.

Moral relativism is one of the cancers which eats at our country today. There has always been, and always should be absolute right as well as absolute wrong. The Bible has the Ten Commandments - not the ten suggestions, or the ten "do-betters" - the Ten Commandments. When people of faith fall short of any of the Ten Commandments, they know it. They know they were WRONG. Not right and wrong - just WRONG.

Moral relativism is a big part of the problem with the direction our country has headed since the 1960's. We need to get back to the basics our Founders visioned in the beginning. We need more people to do the RIGHT thing, and if the WRONG thing ever happens, we need personal accountability. Until we can turn this around, we will continue to drift and stumble down the wrong path.

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