Friday, March 21, 2014

Our Seed Corn


"The dumbest thing a society can do is eat their seen corn..."
The early settlers to this country had to grow their own food to survive. Every year, some of the produce grown was saved to be planted for the next year's crop. It was usually the best of the best. The seed which had the best chance of germinating and developing into next year's food. The worst thing an early settler could do was to eat the seed from this year's harvest.
Most of the time, the seed which was used year to year was corn. Hence, the term "seed corn". So what really is "seed corn"? Simply put, it is our future. To treasure your seed corn, greatly enhances the seed producing a bountiful harvest the next year. To not take care of, or to eat your seed corn, portends a very bleak future.
Many today refer to our youth as our seed corn. Nothing could be more true. Unfortunately, some in our society have not treated our youth as the valuable "seed corn" they are. Much damage is done because of that. Fortunately however, there are a growing number of people in the community who do value our youth for the treasures they are.
My wife and I went to a prayer breakfast this morning to support Youth First Community of Promise. This was the third time I went, and like the first two times, the church was packed. Lots and lots of adults who care deeply about kids growing up in our community. Lots and lots of adults who want each and every kid to be given hope and opportunity necessary to succeed in life.
Youth First Community of Promise is an organization which is committed to providing five essential things to our youth:
  • Caring Adults
  • Safe Places
  • A Healthy Start
  • Effective Education
  • Opportunities to Give Back
We feel strongly that every life has value. We also feel it is important for our kids to KNOW they have immeasurable value. Not just some of them, but all of them. They are important to us. They are our future. Truly, they are our seed corn.  

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