Sunday, March 9, 2014

The Lifeboat


"You mean it is not every man for himself anymore?"

One of the evangelists I really like often talks about our faith in terms of a lifeboat. He has said that all of us, prior to being saved, are like people floundering in a vast ocean. We are in danger of being lost, of going under. Through Christ, we are saved. We can get into the lifeboat and be okay. For many, that is where the story ends. However the evangelist says the story cannot end there. Now that we know there is a lifeboat to go to for safe refuge, we are go get back into the water and help save others.

Sounds easy right? It is not. In this vast ocean, there are many people. Some want to be saved, some don't know they need to be saved, and many are so hardened by the enemy, they don't want to be saved. In addition, some followers of Christ often times do more harm than good. To show the world that we are different, followers of Christ are to exhibit the rich blend of Word and deed. The Bible teaches us that "faith without works is dead". On the other hand, the Bible also tells us that good works alone, without faith in Christ, are not enough. It is that rich blend of the two that we need to exhibit.

One of our former pastors would tell us (with frequency), that the World watches us. Every minute of every day, the World wants to know if we are different, and why we are different.
For many in the World who watch, their radar is always up, looking for hypocrisy.

Once we profess we are followers of Christ, we will still sin. We all will, up until the day we die. However, we now recognize sin is antithetical to God's wishes for us, and therefore we recognize it and are uncomfortable when we do it. We also know that because of Christ, we can be forgiven for those daily sins. The World needs to understand that followers of Christ are not perfect, not pious, just forgiven. 

Some people I have talked to are fed up with "bible thumpers". People who do nothing but preach and then the story ends. I think some of that judgment is based on perception, and some is based on reality. Even many of the most hardened, are impressed by followers who practice "gritty ministry". Who don't mind getting messy while showing mercy. Or as Michael W. Smith said in the movie Second Chance, "don't mind getting gravy on their Gucci shoes while serving food to the hungry".

The lifeboat is indeed a comfortable place to be. I like it. However, the same evangelist said the saved need to look at this lifeboat more like a battleship and less as a luxury liner. Until Christ returns, and the World is redeemed, the battle will continue. And the World will continue to watch.

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