Monday, March 17, 2014

The Boogie Man


Now that, will scare anyone!

Most of us when we were young and playful, were afraid of the Boogie Man. The Boogie Man was usually non-descript, yet very scary. One would think when we became adults the Boogie Man would go away. He has not. Now there is more than one Boogie Man and they are the money men behind both major political parties.

Who are they? George Soros on the Left and the Koch Brothers on the Right. All billionaires, with Soros making his fortune primarily by currency manipulation, and the Koch Brothers making their fortunes building sound businesses. Soros and the Koch Brothers are both feared and loathed by the other side of their political spectrums.

Recently, the Koch Brothers have become the target of vicious attacks by the Senate Majority Leader. He even called them "anti-American". He also referred to the Republicans in the Senate as being "addicted to Koch" (funny play on words), so they could not vote their conscience. However, for some reason Harry Reid seems to think George Soros is a Boy Scout. Go figure.

Our side is not immune from this hyperbole. George Soros is our best Boogie Man to date. From currency manipulation to the now famous "SOS (Secretary of State) Project", George has earned the Boogie Man name with the Republicans. However, what is really interesting is the Boogie Man has made it all the way down into the Minnesota 6th District Congressional race. Yes, some are accusing one of the candidates in the race of being a "tool" for Soros (taking his money).

So this will play out all the way up to the primary. I was going to say the endorsing convention, but some might not play fair and go to primary even if not endorsed. If that happens, the Boogie Man will again have won. Without firing a shot. Without even hiding under a bed. The Republicans will once again become the Hatfield's and the McCoy's and use all their ammunition on each other while the enemy is at the gates. Yes, if the Republicans play their cards right, they can actually lose this rock solid seat just by letting the Boogie Man stories scare the masses.

Most times the honorable thing to do is campaign hard, keep the eleventh commandment, and when it is over, join the team. We are, after all, supposed to be on the SAME TEAM! I don't for one minute believe any Boogie Man stories. Period. What I want is a strong, united team in November that can TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK! No more fratricide. No more bearing false witness. No more splitting the party like we did in the last governor's race. Victory in November. No more, no less.

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