Thursday, June 12, 2014

The Approaching Caliphate


"The old saying is this - The United States may have the clocks, but the enemy has the time..."

In 1990, then Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein again showed his true colors by invading a neighboring country. This move was condemned by the United Nations and in 1991, a coalition of nations went in to remove Iraqi forces from Kuwait. A truce was drawn up with strict conditions in order for Hussein to stay in power. True to his nature, he violated this truce on numerous occasions. The United Nations did not have the stomach to enforce the truce, and sensing a clear and present danger to the region, the United States went in and removed Saddam Hussein from power in 2003.

It was not an easy war, in fact it was very messy. The initial assault was not a huge problem for our forces, but the nation building that followed, was. To knit together a coalition government (democratically) between the Sunnis, Shiites and Kurds, almost proved to be a bridge too far. However, elections were held, and new government was in place, and after a period of time the President of the United States determined our involvement in that country was over. Bad move on our part.

A tidal wave, a tsunami so to speak, has been gathering for years. If Iraq had never invaded Kuwait, war would have still come to that historic country. Far beyond the ancient tribal sparing between the Sunnis, Shiites and Kurds, lies a much more dangerous threat. Iraq was, and still is, a secular state. In the eyes of much of the Islamic world, secular governments in the region are an abomination, and cannot stand. Iraq, Syria, Jordon, Saudi Arabia, the Horn of Africa - they are all on the radar screen to become part of the Great Caliphate.

As most of us have had our attention diverted by the land of 10,000 scandals, a seismic shift has been taking place in Iraq. By the way, it is also taking place in Libya and Egypt. For the Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeda, Boko Harem, or whatever name they go by, the mission is the same. First, get the West out of the Middle East. Their presence in the region is an affront to Islam. Next, get rid of all secular governments in the area and replace them with Islamic governments who practice Sharia Law.

It is as simple as that. To accomplish this, you need many true believers - and there are legions of them and growing. What many in the West don't realize nor understand is this - once a regional Caliphate is established in the Middle East, it will not stop there. Next stop, Europe. After that, guess where? Right here. Rather than make a stand against this global threat in Iraq, our President could not leave fast enough. Was the fight there over? No - in reality, it was just beginning.

Now we can try to put as much lipstick as possible on this, and bathe it in PC water. However, the facts on the table are simple. This is the next world war, and we are watching it develop in slow motion right under our noses. Even though our President is doing his best Neville Chamberlain imitation, the results will be the same. Nobody outside strict Islam will be safe. There will be no gentle persuasion to convert - failure to do so will be an instant death sentence.

One would have thought that after 9/11 we might have caught a glimpse of how these people operate. The lengths to which they would go, the chances they would take. No, our national memory seems to be very short and getting shorter. The next attacks are coming, both here and in Europe. They are probably already planned. We may have gotten bored with this, but they have not. We may think the War on Terror is over, but to them it is only getting started. 

What is our plan? We will continue to empty out Guantanamo Bay and release the baddest of the bad onto the battlefield. We will desert Afghanistan like we did Iraq and then watch with disinterest as it falls once again into the hands of the Taliban. Are we in deep trouble here? Yes, but the deepest trouble we have is a government who does not, nor wants to understand. The change coming from "Hope and Change" might look like something out of a nightmare.    

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