Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Another box canyon...

"Remember voters - you get what you vote for. Two terms of Dayton has resulted in 5 out of 7 of the Minnesota Supreme Court Jurists being his picks. And now you see the result."

Thank you Dayton selected Minnesota Supreme Court! Now this state has found itself in yet another box canyon. Go to mediation, huh? Go figure it out yourself, huh? Well that ain't gonna happen. Both sides are dug in, and the result will be - shutting down of government. What? The state is going to shut down again? Sooner or later - but first the government will shut down. 

What just a dang minute! What does that mean? It means that since the Governor has defunded the most important part of state government, the government will soon cease to exist. And when that happens, government shuts down.

What does the Governor what? The abrogation of the tax cuts. He HATES tax cuts. It works against his very soul. He wants seniors taxed, the rich taxed, the middle tax taxed, and if need be, the poor taxed. This is the drug for the Loony Left - other peoples tax money. And nobody is more "hooked" on this, than Dayton is. 

What dos this mean? There is no way out of this box canyon. The Right has issued strict orders to quit our money hemorrhaging with our sky high taxes. Dayton on the under hand, has his "nether region" in a vice by a bevy of special interests. Special interests who can only survive on your taxes.

So what did this "Dayton heavy" court do to settle this intractable issue? Nada. Punted. I don't know how much we are paying this group of slugs, but I for one, would like a refund. They left this state in a box canyon. My hope is the House lets this veto stand, and everything then folds up. After that, Dayton the Governor will find himself to be as effective as Dayton the Senator. Hey Minnesota - you voted for this (*bleep*) twice - you deserve what you vote for! 

Remember voters - you get what you vote for. Two terms of Dayton has resulted in 5 out of 7 of the Minnesota Supreme Court Jurists being his pet picks. And now you see the result. Total and continual, financial dysfunction.


  1. At the center of the conflict is Dayton’s decision at the end of May to line-item veto funding for the operations of the House and Senate.
    By Dayton’s account, he used his line-item-veto power so that he could avoid a total government shutdown while also compelling legislative leaders back into negotiations over provisions he didn’t like in several other bills, including a $650 million package of tax cuts.
    Legislators said that his move violated the Minnesota Constitution by effectively abolishing a separate branch of government, so they took him to court.

    Let's say the ruling as is now is law for the future. This is an invitation for every future governor to essentially veto a hostile Legislature and force them back to the table, This has the potential for gubernatorial aggrandizement of a sort that we’ve never seen in the history of the Constitution.

    Our Constitution requires ‘three distinct departments: legislative, executive and judicial,’ ” the ruling reads. “Minnesotans may soon be deprived of their constitutional right to three independent branches of government.”

    What’s also clear is that no emergency funding is coming to the Legislature anytime soon. In its short ruling, the court said it does not think the judicial branch has the authority to authorize any kind of funding, even in an emergency. The Constitution gives the power of appropriation to the Legislature, not the courts.

    So that is the dilemma. Courts can't allocate funds and Constitution requires 3 branches of Govt.

    What would Jeff Johnson do if Governor with a Democratic legislature?

  2. I like the box canyon analogy, but it's also a Catch-22. If Dayton wants to renegotiate AND actually talks the Legislature into such stupidity, HOW, exactly, does the Legislature meet when they have no budget to do so? (WHY is maybe the even better question.) And next year, when the Guv wants a bonding bill, or something else, the Legislature will not be able to meet at all. Suppose, by the unlikeliest chance, that Dayton realizes his mistake and offers to give up all demands if the legislature will just come back, say next year, and do their constitutional duty. How does he UNdo his own veto to make that happen? Dayton got into a box canyon and then sealed it off, as near as I can tell.
