Monday, September 4, 2017

Little Kim's death wish

"If you did not understand Secretary Mattis yesterday when he was addressing you, let me help you out. Stop what you are doing immediately, or bend over and kiss your ass goodbye. Stronger message to follow."  

The history of humanity is replete with some very evil people. Most all have been men. Men who have committed genocide, tortured their own people, brutalized other nations, and on and on and on. We all know their names. They are burned into our history books. As much as we don't like to relive their evil deeds, they are still history. And it is history we should have learned from rather than repeat it today.

Of all the bad actors in the world today, the one which stands (figuratively) heads and shoulders above the rest is Kim Jong-un. He is a bastard of the highest order. He is starving his people just so he can get nuclear weapons to use on other people. To incinerate and poison other people. If you fall out of favor with Kim, he will have you killed instantly. Recently, he executed some of his former "colleagues" with an anti-aircraft gun. I don't even want to imagine how that looked. Heck, he even had his half-brother killed.

Here is a fact which people much smarter than I have already figured out. He is the world's most dangerous man at the ripe old age of 34. Is he going to reform and get better with age, or will he morph into something ten times worse than Hitler? We probably will never know. Why? Kim is not going to live much longer. He has a death wish.

Even though we are the country which Kim threatens the most, he is not just an enemy of the United States - he is an enemy of the civilized world. Just suppose if Kim could get a very lucky shot, and disable our country with an EMP. And our military did not have the ability to counter-attack. Do you think Kim would stop there? Of course not. There would be some pay back time for Japan. And then he would invade South Korea to reunify the Peninsula - on his terms. 

Then I could see him forging an alliance with Iran and going after Israel. Then maybe Europe after that. Hey - we have seen this movie before. We know the behavior patterns of megalomaniacs.

What would I like to see happen from the world? Have France, a NATO ally, with 300 nukes, put the Norks on notice that any provocation against the United States or one of its western Pacific allies will be met with a nuclear response. Then have the UK do the same using their 215 nukes as leverage. Then Israel with their 80. India with their 120. Get the message? The WORLD needs to respond to this nut ball, not just us. 

Kim seems hell bent on bringing this thing to a crescendo before the snow flies. Once again, the country who has it within their power to control this dog (that be China), is doing nothing helpful. Well, they are being helpful to the Norks by allowing them to get around the sanctions. 

One final thought. On the news this weekend, an expert on North Korea said China could end this thing in record time. They would just have to withhold one commodity from the Norks - gasoline. He said the Norks live in fear their gasoline supply would get shut off. Again, China takes a pass in helping end this.

So good-bye little Kim. I would like to say it has been nice knowing you, but it really has not. Our military has war gamed your country for decades now. We know how to defeat you. Many will die on both sides of the DMZ, and it will all be on you.

If you did not understand Secretary Mattis yesterday when he was addressing you, let me help you out. Stop what you are doing immediately - or bend over and kiss your ass goodbye. Stronger message to follow.  

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