Saturday, December 2, 2023

Is there joy in Mudville?

"We were made for joy. We are wired for joy. Joy belongs in us, and we need to have joy. How do you know when you have unbridled joy? Trust me - you will know."   

I have told this story before. Many years ago, while serving in the Navy and stationed on Okinawa, one of my shipmates was named Joey. There was something different about Joey - not in a bad way at all. As the saying goes, sailors are capable of bitching and moaning about many things - and on Okinawa, living on an Army base, that list was long and sometimes endless. Except for one thing - Joey did not partake in the moaning and groaning. He may not always have been happy, but he always had joy. How was that possible?

Joey was a follower of Christ. I can say with certainty, back then, over there, many were not. But Joey was, and he was not ashamed of it - not one bit. Back then, my faith was paper thin. Joey did not care - he often invited me to go to church with him at the base chapel, when we did not have duty. 

Joey is one of those people who had an impact on my life. He was a friend to me. He liked me and loved me as a brother, even when I was very unlikable and unlovable. Joey weathered the ups and downs, but never lost his joy. I lost contact with Joey decades ago, but his impact on me still stands. And now that my faith is much deeper and stronger than it once was, I understand joy.

I have often thought about joy since meeting Joey. Like, what is it? What exactly is joy? Why do some have joy in their hearts and other do not? Vexing questions for sure. But one thing I have realized. Joy and happiness are not the same. They usually exist at the same time, but they are not the same. Why? Happiness is a temporary state. Some things can make you happy, some might make you unhappy. But joy in your heart is a constant. It is a gift from God. A gift from the Holy Spirit. As followers, we are to show our joy. It is the easiest way to witness who and what we are.

One of my favorite hymns is I've Got the Joy. It addresses two very important gifts from the Spirit - unbridled joy, and the peace that passeth all understanding. Some remember this hymn from church, some may not. Part of it goes as follows:

I've got the joy, joy, joy, joy,

Down in my heart,

Down in my heart to stay...  

If you have the joy in your heart, you are blessed, If you do not, it is something you can ask for, while in prayer. Joy is our beacon for others to notice - hopefully, for others to follow. It is the best medicine we can have while living in this troubled world. Is there joy in Mudville, as the old expression goes? Many times, there is not - but there should be. 

We were made for joy. We are wired for joy. Joy belongs in us, and we need to have joy. How do you know when you have unbridled joy? Trust me - you will know.   


1 comment:

  1. Maybe it's not joy, but my philosophy of life has long been "If you're not having fun, you're doing it wrong."
