Monday, December 4, 2023

Conflicting messages by conflicted people

"But wait? What about our windmills? Won't they help? To make a difference which really makes a difference, we are years, maybe decades away from wind energy being a player. Until then, we have coal - and lots of it."

Did you know, our somewhat haughty Climate Czar (whatever that is), was over in Dubai representing our country at the climate conference? This is the conference that Biden intentionally skipped, as he did not want to get called out over his oil drilling. So, Biden sent Kerry instead. Kerry - he is the guy with numerous houses, cars and a private jet. And then, when the conference was almost over, Kerry dropped a bombshell on the crowd. "We need a worldwide ban on coal! Like right now! As a mature person, I can't believe we are still drilling for coal and letting it kill people!"

Another conflicted statement uttered by a conflicted person. Here is the problem Mr. Kerry. In our world, coal is still king in many countries. It is the lifeblood of industry and heating. In fact, this year, we are projected to use 8 billion metric tons of coal - for the first time ever. Banning coal, would plunge parts of our world into total darkness. But John Kerry does not care. He has a private jet which is powered by fairy dust. Zero carbon fairy dust. 

But wait! Kerry and company are part of the band of ideologues who are advocating for electric cars. You know - the cars which run on batteries. But wait! What charges the batteries? Fairy dust? Not quite. The North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) last week published an ominous forecast. Half our gird faces problems this winter due to (get ready for it) - shortages of power. And that is with hardly any EV charging stations. But who cares? We still get 18% of our energy for our grid from coal. So, does it not make perfect sense for John Kerry to want to make that 18% illegal to mine? Ladies and gentlemen, these are the morons who are currently in charge of our country. They don't think.

But wait? What about our windmills? Won't they help? To make a difference which really makes a difference, we are years, maybe decades away from wind energy being a major player. Until then, we have coal - and lots of it. Will there come a time when we no longer need coal to power our grid. Yes - but not now.

Why then, do we still get conflicting messages from the conflicted people who are running our government? Are they really that naive? That clueless? Here is the bottom line. Even Joe Biden is starting to get it. To take some political pressure off himself about the high price of everything (which he caused), Biden has authorized as much oil drilling as Donald Trump did. Wala! All of a sudden, the price of a gallon of gasoline has fallen down close to $3. Oil, the evil fossil fuel that candidate Biden threatened to kill, is now Biden's best friend.

Our advice to John Kerry? Just shut your pie hole! You are not helping! Just retire, go live in your mansion on Martha's Vineyard, and then go wind surfing. Leave our coal alone. We need it. Believe it or not Mr. Kerry, you need it also.   

1 comment:

  1. I liked the comment alleged to have been made by the President of the COP conference in Dubai, that "There is no science out there, or no scenario out there, that says that the phase-out of fossil fuel is what’s going to achieve 1.5C.” And while Prince Charles enjoys 80 degrees in Dubai and demands we not heat our homes, he needs to go home and see this "proof of global warming":
