Thursday, December 21, 2023

Who is going to clean up this mess?

"My hope is the history books will be truthful when this story is told. That Joe Biden and Mayorkas tried to destroy this country just by letting too many people, many of which have no business here, in our lifeboats."

Been watching the news as of late? The folks who live in Texas and Arizona don't have to watch the news - they are living it. Tens of thousands of illegals coming into this country every single day. Right now, we are concerned with this disaster as it unfolds. But we are in a triage mode - try and stop the bleeding at any cost.

So, the illegals are being flown all over the country, at taxpayer expense. ANYTHING, just to get them away from the border. But what happens when they land? These people are from all over the world. Most are not vetted. They could be terrorists. Or they could be transmitting infectious diseases. But who cares? Our government does not.

At the end of the day, this cannot stand. Most normal people know that. Even some Democrats are starting to get it. Democrats like Fetterman. Or Hobbs. You can't input millions of people in our country from all over the world, most with zero job or language skills, many with no money, and expect them to thrive. At the end of the Biden years, these people will have to be dealt with. And it will not be pretty. How so? Even though the ACLU just wants us to make instant citizens out of them, with zero vetting, 90% of them need to go back to where they came from. Yes, that will mean mass deportation.

This adventure in lunacy that Biden has visited on us, is going to cost our country billions of dollars to clean up. Who will the victims be? The illegals, who have been used as pawns by not only our Biden administration, but also the cartels. And let us not forget the taxpayers, who will be stuck with the bill.

This has been a hot mess times one hundred, and the real crime is that so many just let it happen. We all can watch and bitch about it, but it is still happening. In our little corner of the universe, we have illegals all over the world, begging on street corners. Where they are living, what they are eating, how they are keeping warm, is beyond me.

In all my years living in the country, this erasure of our southern border is the cruelest, most treasonous thing I have ever seen. For our country, it has been death by a thousand cuts. But the remedy for this treasonous mess will be very painful. Many on the left, will be wailing and gnashing their teeth. But not the normal folks. They did not create this mess - but we will have to clean it up.

My hope is the history books will be truthful when this story is told. That Joe Biden and Mayorkas tried to destroy this country just by letting too many people, many of which have no business here, in our lifeboats.

When the fix comes in January of 2025, we need to be strong and resolute. It is going to be ugly. Many socialists will fight us tooth and nail. But we can thank Uncle Joe for that. He created Frankenstein's monster - now the normal folks need to deport it.   



  1. Maybe the news media will notice the humanitarian crisis caused by admitting millions of homeless and hungry. The open border does nobody any favors, except for the cartels. I wonder how many we can deport if we just offer them, say $1000 each?

  2. "In all my years living in the country, this erasure of our southern border is the cruelest, most treasonous thing I have ever seen."

    That's about it.

  3. The question of "who" is very frustrating. Even now, something like 25% of the country "approves" of this humanitarian disaster, and the opponents of its architect, Joe Biden, still leads the polls by only 2 percentage point. What will it take to actually alter this insane and inhumane policy? To paraphrase Prof. Harold Hill, "either you are closing your eyes to a situation you do not wish to acknowledge, or you are unaware of the caliber of disaster created by the presence of 7 million illegal aliens in your country."
